Holi, the Indian festival of colours, is set to be celebrated on Monday and Tuesday, March 9 and 10, this year – but that didn’t stop India’s A-listers from getting the party started early. Friday, March 6, saw Isha Ambani and her husband Anand Piramal host a grand Holi bash in Mumbai, complete with a star studded line-up. On the guest list were celebrities including Priyanka Chopra, who showed up with husband Nick Jonas. The couple was dressed in a coordinated ensemble. “My first Holi (five days early). So much fun celebrating with such incredible people here in my second home in India,” Nick Jonas wrote on Instagram. It may be the couple’s first Holi celebration together, but the duo certainly seemed to know what they were doing. The singer’s post also included a video showcasing Priyanka playing with colours, and a selfie taken with Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif. His Insta stories also feature the duo dancing while covered in colours, and generally having a good time. Meanwhile, other stars on the guest list included Bollywood actors like Vicky Kaushal, Jacqueline Fernandez, Diana Penty, Sonali Bendre, Huma Qureshi, Rajkummar Rao and partner Patralekha. Here are other photos and videos from inside the bash. The grand celebration comes amidst uncertainly over the festival of colour, with many advising caution due to the risk of spreading coronavirus. On Thursday, March 4, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted that he would not be participating in any Holi celebrations. While many celebrations have already taken place, from universities in Kolkata to temples in Uttar Pradesh, other Holi events, such as Holi Moo in Delhi, have been cancelled.