Facebook's WhatsApp messenger was down for many users in India and other countries including the UAE, according to reports from multiple users on Facebook and Twitter on Friday afternoon. Users in countries from Myanmar to Russia and Vietnam to Brazil reported that WhatsApp was down in their countries too on social media. The extent of the outage was not immediately known, but some users reported that WhatsApp, the world's most popular messaging service, had begun to function again about 30 minutes after initial complaints of an outage. A spokeswoman for Facebook in Singapore said the company was investigating the matter. Whatsappdown was the top trending item on Twitter in India, which is its biggest market with roughly 200 million of its billion-plus users. Users in Malaysia and Singapore also complained of WhatsApp being down in those regions. ___________ <strong>Read more:</strong> <strong><a href="https://www.thenational.ae/uae/iphone-x-uae-launch-huge-queues-as-apple-fans-camp-overnight-in-dubai-1.672696">iPhone X UAE launch: Huge queues as Apple fans camp overnight in Dubai</a></strong>