Online shopping is usually associated with searching for the best deal on an iPhone, or to see if other electronic items such as TVs are cheaper than what's on offer in the supermarkets. Good deals can typically be found on clothes as well, although you run the risk of a bad fit. Online food shopping has also become a hit, saving you the time and effort of trawling around the aisles until you feel as though you are destined never to see light of day again. But now, with the likes of, and as of this week, available to shoppers in the UAE, there's almost no need to leave the house - except to go to work of course. We dug a little deeper on Noon to see just how far the shopping experience goes. Here's five unusual items you may never have considered buying online ... everyone wants a Rubik's cube stool, don't they? <strong>Rubik's Cube Stool:</strong> Many a child has spent hours trying to crack the cube-shaped puzzle. Sadly, this is one immovable piece - it doesn't twist and turn and therefore doesn't need solving. But you can sit on it while playing the real thing. ______________ <strong>Heinz Beanz:</strong> Amid the sea of electronics, beauty products and fashion, there's a grocery store on Noon. Fancy some baked beans? Log on and purchase (though you will have to wait until the following day for delivery). ______________ <strong>Magic Coat Love Glove Grooming Mitt:</strong> Pet shops are fun to visit, especially if you have kids as the shop essentially acts as a mini zoo (and it's free to get in!). The down side is it's difficult to get them to leave without you promising "we'll come back and buy the colourful fish next time". These days, help is at hand online, literally, if you have a pet who likes to be groomed, and you don't have the inclination to head out to the nearest store. ______________ <strong>Ice Cream Shower Wrap:</strong> It's pink, it's cute, it has a picture of an ice cream on it. But I came to buy an iPad. ______________ <strong>The Irish Royale Beard Wash:</strong> "Humidity, heat and dust are the three biggest enemies your beard protects you against," so says the product description on the website. Well, there's plenty of all three of those here in the UAE. For such items, I would have thought a trip to Boots at the mall would be in order, rather than a surf on the web. But at the click of a button, it's now oh so easy. _____________ <strong>Read more:</strong> <strong><a href="">Noon launches in the UAE, tapping into regional e-commerce boom</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Comment: High Noon for online shopping in the Middle East</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Price comparison: and</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Noon offers millions of products and doorstep delivery, but the Emirates love for the shopping mall looks unlikely to fade</a></strong>