Alison Clews, a personal trainer at the Dubai-based Ignite Fitness and Wellness, demonstrates the seventh exercise in our eight-part weekly series of kettlebell workouts. Do this kettlebell pass alone, incorporate it into your own fitness routine or watch this space again next week to create a comprehensive total-body, strength-building regime. 1. Keep your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, focusing all the weight on the heels. Keep your knees slightly soft and hold the kettlebell to the front. 2. Engage the abs, squeeze the glutes and begin to pass the kettlebell around the back to the front, maintaining a circular movement around the body. 3. Reverse this circular movement. Remember to relax the shoulders and knees. Look straight ahead at a mirror to ensure you have the correct form and technique. <strong>Tip to remember:</strong> Do not look down - always look in a mirror directly ahead to check your form and that you are maintaining the proper technique to avoid any injuries. <strong>Reps/sets</strong>: 16 to 20 reps x three sets. <strong>Benefits:</strong> Builds up muscles in the abdominals, glutes and arms. Follow <strong>Arts & Life on Twitter</strong> to keep up with all the latest news and events