Newlyweds Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra have spent their first Christmas as a married couple vacationing with brother Joe Jonas, his fiancée Sophie Turner, parents Denise and Paul Kevin Jonas Sr, friends and family. Following a Christmas dinner in the UK, it seems the troupe has moved on to the Swiss Alps for their next adventure. In a series of posts recently uploaded, we can catch a glimpse into their holiday: Here are photos of the trip so far (click on the arrow to scroll through): Here's another of Priyanka and Nick together: Here's one of Sophie and Joe also posing together: Here's a boomerang of the two actresses wearing matching snow hats: Prior to this, the group stayed in Sophie's hometown of Warwickshire as she hosted Christmas. The <em>Game of Thrones</em> star uploaded a photo with the caption "family" which featured her parents and brother, the Jonas seniors and Priyanka's mother as well. Priyanka also shared this family photo: Meanwhile, Nick uploaded this one of the two of them exploring during Christmas: It looks like the couples are really enjoying their time together. Watch this space for updates on their holiday. ____________________<br/> Read more: <strong><a href="">Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas get their groove on at yet another wedding reception</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas's second wedding reception in Mumbai - in pictures</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Weddings are big business: Priyanka Chopra shares sponsored content from her wedding</a></strong>