Nick Jonas has marked the one-week anniversary of his marriage to Priyanka Chopra by posting a picture of the couple’s wedding cake on Instagram. In the picture, the couple are seen cutting into the towering, multi-tiered, gold-embellished cake with a ceremonial sword. The lavish confection, which is encircled with fresh flowers, appears to be inspired by the grand architecture of the Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur, where the wedding was held. Chopra is seen in the foreground in her Ralph Lauren wedding dress. Jonas has also posted a picture of the wedding party, making sure to thank Ralph Lauren and Chopard for providing his clothing and accessories. <strong>_______________________</strong> <strong>Read more:</strong> <strong><a href="">India rallies against article labelling Priyanka Chopra a 'scam artist'</a></strong> <strong><a href="">All of the pictures from Priyanka Chopra's New Delhi reception</a></strong> <strong><a href="">An insider's guide to Priyanka Chopra's mehendi ceremony</a></strong> <strong>_______________________</strong>