<strong>I am an Advocate in Asia. I filed a criminal suit in the UAE in 2016, which was dismissed by the UAE Courts who ordered I file a civil suit. What would be the limitation period to file the civil suit in the UAE?</strong> There are different time limitations for filing a civil case depending on the charges and scenario. The precise answer to this question would depend on the ground of the criminal case that was first filed in the UAE. In general, the tort liability (legal obligation of one party to a victim as a result of a civil wrongdoing) is not the only liability for the civil claim. As per Article 124 of the Civil Transaction Law No 5 of 1985, “personal obligations or rights derive from the legal acts of disposal and facts and from the law. The sources of obligations are: 1) The contract; 2) Unilateral act; 3) Tort; (a wrongful act or an infringement of a right leading to legal liability) 4) The beneficial act; 5) The law.” Therefore, the limitation period would depend on the ground of the criminal case. If it were a Tort case, then the limitation would be three years. If it were a claim for compensation the limitation would be three years, as per Article No 298 of the UAE Civil Transaction Law. Article 476 of the UAE Civil Transaction Law states that “If denied and in the absence of a legal excuse, a case may not be heard after the lapse of two years if it concerns a claim for the following rights: a) The rights of merchants, manufacturers in respect of things supplied to persons who do not trade in such things; rights of hotel and restaurant owners for the cost of accommodation and food and for expenses incurred by them on behalf of their clients. b) The rights of workmen, servants and wage earners in respect of their pay, daily or otherwise, and the cost of supplies provided by them.” <em>If you have a question for our lawyer, please email it to media@professionallawyer.me</em><em> with the subject line "Know the law".</em>