Q: Can I ask for a refund from a personal trainer who I feel has not been good enough? Most ask for payment in advance. What options do I have for getting my money back if the sessions were not good?
A: The trainer must provide service in accordance with standards agreed between parties before a contractual agreement. So, you have to set the standards in the beginning and compare between the services agreed upon and the standard of service you received. If such services are not provided in a correct way, then the customer may ask for a full refund. However, such a matter is not easy to prove, as the matter is related to unwritten facts about the service and how it was provided.
Q: What can I do if an online retailer in the UAE is refusing to refund a purchase? And would I be protected under UAE law if I bought something from an international online retailer?
A: We have to differentiate between two things. Firstly, purchases from an online retail store based outside the country are not subject to UAE consumer-protection laws. All UAE retailers, suppliers or traders are subject to the consumer protection laws. If goods were purchased from a UAE store refunds are available in two events: a) discovery of a faulty product; b) the supplied product was of a different description than the one ordered.
Q: Some stores have signs saying 'no refunds' or 'no refunds on sale days', but is this legal? Are stores permitted to have this policy?
A: In accordance with Article 5 of Law No 24 of 2006, refunds or exchange of products are an available remedy in the event of a faulty product or a product supplied with a different description. All stores are required to comply with the local UAE consumer-protection laws. However there are some products that cannot be exchanged because of their nature.
If you have a question for Mr Elhais, email newsdesk@thenational.ae with the subject line 'Consumer Q&A'.