Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed on Saturday challenged Emirates staff to take part in a city-wide fitness challenge. The Crown Prince of Dubai challenged the carrier and its chairman Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum directly in Instagram story video then followed up with tweets. The Dubai Fitness Challenge was launched last week by Sheikh Hamdan in a bid to motivate people in the emirate to pursue active and energetic lifestyles. “We are very keen to spread a culture of fitness since we strongly believe that making physical activity and sports a part of their daily routines will help people significantly improve the quality of their lives," he said. Senior representatives from more than 45 Government offices have been briefed on the challenge which involves taking part in at least 30 minutes of exercise, for 30 consecutive days. The fitness movement will begin with a free carnival of activities at Safa Park on October 20-21, with celebrity guests and motivational health experts in a bid to improve the nation’s health. <a href="">Dubai Police have already committed to the get-fit scheme</a> with several officers signing up. Dubai's Knowledge and Human Development Authority also rose to the challenge, tweeting a photo of its participating staff. Universities, businesses and foundation such as Mohammed bin Rashid University and Al Jalila Foundation have also declared their support and participation, challenging others in turn to take part. Even football stars such as former Brazil ace Ronaldinho and celebrities are expected to get behind Dubai Fitness Challenge and attend some of the fitness carnival events taking place across the emirate. Those taking part can monitor their progress via a mobile phone app, and find out about hundreds of free events planned across Dubai. To register and pledge your commitment to 30 minutes of activity for 30 days, visit <a href=""></a>. _______________ <strong>Read more:</strong>