<strong>I believe my neighbour is hurting my dog. Can I report him? </strong> You have the right to file a criminal case against your neighbour as the UAE Penal Code protects animals from harm or mistreatment. In 2016, Federal Law 18 came into effect criminalising the abuse, illegal hunting or selling of animals. Abusing an animal is a crime punishable by a fine of not more than Dh100,000 or a jail sentence, in accordance with Article number 431 and 432 of UAE Criminal Law 3 of 1987. Moreover, the court according to the same law has the discretionary power to execute the deportation sentence against the criminal. <strong>What are my rights as a consumer if I buy something online and don't find it matching my expectations?</strong> All UAE retailers, suppliers or traders including those selling online are subject to the country's Consumer Protection Laws. According to article 5 of law No 24 of 2006, if the goods were purchased from a UAE store, refunds are available in two events: 1) discovery of a faulty product; 2) the supplied product was of a different description to what was delivered. Also the refund shall be granted during the proper time as per the Law. <em>If you have a question for our lawyer, please email it to media@professionallawyer.me</em><em> with the subject line "Know the law".</em>