I was disturbed to see the video clip of a lion cub roaming inside a villa compound. If the law is still unclear, make it clear, at least for the welfare of these wild animals. It is sad that some people, driven by their desire to show off, keep these animals as pets and make them suffer. If it continues to happen, then the future generation will only be able to see these animals in picture books.
Justyna Magdalena McCammon, Dubai
I hope the authorities stop the selfish and arrogant people who take these animals out of their natural habitats.
Gina Anaya, Dubai
These people think that they are showing off their status, but in reality they only expose their ignorance to the world.
Samira Fleurant, Abu Dhabi
Obese need better care
As a person with epilepsy myself, Donald Trump's order truly disturbs me (US airport holding 77-year-old Iraqi grandmother under Trump ban, January 30). Stress can be a serious seizure trigger. In fact, stress can aggravate many ailments, including hypertension. As the article says, the 77-year-old woman suffers from hypertension.
I hope that the absurd treatment at the airport did not lead to any health complications for her.
Most Americans do not believe in this ban. I truly feel horrible for the way this family was treated.
Rhea Hansen, US
Is this an example of a developed country? Shame to this kind mentality.
Habib Rahim Hazim, Afghanistan
Trump win not Obama’s fault
I agree with the views of your readers on the rise of Donald Trump (Barack Obama's failures gave America Donald Trump, January 24).
Mr Trump’s election is a reflection of the anger of white workers in the mid-western and southern United States, because of a variety of reasons that have little to do with Mr Obama and a lot to do with culture, current racial and social justice issues and religious viewpoints.
The demographics in the US are changing, and Mr Trump’s supporters are trying to cling to a past that does not and cannot exist any more, for a variety of economic, global and moral reasons.
Elena Kramda, US
Donald Trump is a combination of two Roosevelts. Theodore was brilliant with a volatile temperament; Franklin was bright and had a calm temperament.
Mr Trump has Theodore Roosevelt’s temperament and Franklin Roosevelt’s intelligence. It’s interesting and clearly a new deal.
Patricia Estep, US
It is Hillary Clinton’s record and handling of Bernie Sanders during the primaries that brought Mr Trump to power.
Rami Salman, Lebanon
The US has a cultural problem. If you are a Trump voter, who fervently believes that you are “under attack” and that all you have been left with is your “identity”, yet that identity is dependent on your being anti-intellectual, xenophobic, insular and unwilling to migrate to other geographic locales to seek employment, then not much can be done for you, no matter who is president.
Mr Trump capitalised on these people. The end result is not likely to be anything but tragic.
Lark Jarvis, US
It is the consequences of Ronald Reagan’s politics that helped Mr Trump to rise to power. Reagan’s policies transformed the United States – they killed the middle class and made the country the largest oligarchy on Earth.
Dina Abou-Zahr, Dubai
God bless America and those who look to it as a pillar of democracy in a world so often plagued by tyranny (Trump’s rhetoric bears little relation to American reality, January 22). God bless Donald Trump and his willingness to stand up to the status quo, which has wrecked the United States and its global relations in the past.
May the world find a true leader in Mr Trump and may the world be blessed as a result.
Jimmy Grant, Abu Dhabi