With hundreds of guests in attendance and fans all around the world eagerly awaiting news of their nuptials, it's no surprise that Priyanka Chopra had some pre-wedding jitters before walking down the aisle. However, the star has revealed she suffered a "panic attack" just before her ceremony, held in Jodhpur, India, in December. Wearing an ornate, crystal-speckled bespoke gown by American designer Ralph Lauren, Chopra appeared serene as she exchanged vows with US musician Nick Jonas - though moments earlier had a "freak-out" as she waited to make her entrance. "I remember them putting the veil on me and the veil was like 75 feet," the <em>Quantico</em> actress said on <em>Good Morning America </em>this week. "I was like, 'I'm going to strain my neck muscles, be the mother of dragons, get this veil through.' But, I had a freak-out moment when I was standing behind the curtains where they'll tell me when to walk out, and the music was going to start playing, and I just started having a panic attack." However, Chopra, 36, instantly found her fears erased when she spotted Jonas, 26, at the altar. "Then the doors opened, and I saw him, and I cannot forget that moment," the star added on <em>GMA</em>. The newlyweds held a multi-day series of celebrations to mark their nuptials last year, including receptions in Delhi, Mumbai and North Carolina in the United States, as well as a Christian service and a Hindu blessing. Chopra, who has recently added Jonas's name to her own, also opened up about married life, revealing it is "different". "There's a big difference between a husband and a boyfriend, even a husband and a fiance," she said on the US talk show. “I didn't understand the gravity of that when I got married. But it's a good thing to be married to a good husband. That makes it easy." The actress also appeared on Jimmy Fallon's talk show last week, where she appeared as Priyanka Chopra Jonas for the first time. Chopra said that every time she hears her new name, "My face goes a little like, 'Oh, that happened!'" When asked by Fallon why she had changed her name, she said, "I always wanted to add his name to mine because I feel like, we're becoming family and I'm a little traditional and old school like that." It's been a week packed full of appearances and engagements for Chopra, as she promotes her latest film <em>Isn't It Romantic</em>, a rom-com starring Rebel Wilson and Liam Hemsworth. The actress also unveiled a wax figurine of her likeness at New York's Madame Tussauds on Friday, with the piece based on her look at the 2016 Emmy Awards. The statue will be one of four cast in Chopra's image, with wax figures also set to appear at Madame Tussauds branches in the UK, Australia and Asia, according to the actress's Instagram account.