Sheikha Maryam bint Mohammed, the daughter of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, has posted unseen footage of her fairy tale wedding on social media to mark her first anniversary as a married woman. The princess <a href="">married Sheikh Suhail bin Ahmed Al Maktoum</a> on January 5, 2018 in a grand ceremony that was attended by a consortium of the country's rulers, as well as dignitaries, ministers and top officials from Dubai and the UAE. It was little over a year since her sister, Sheikha Latifa, married Sheikh Faisal Saud Khalid Al Qasimi. Sheikha Maryam wrote on Instagram: "5/1/2018" and shared two videos, which had never been seen by the public before, with her 443,000 followers. The couple celebrated their anniversary at the Burj Al Arab and watched a spectacular fireworks display. _______________ <strong>Read more:</strong> <strong><a href="">Excitement as Dubai royals announce engagement</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Sheikh Mohammed's daughter marries in Dubai</a></strong> _______________