KG Q460 Quincy Jones Signature
The look The sleek Q460 comes in black, white and lime, and sports a comfy leather cushion on the headband and soft ear pads - the Q460 is designed to make you feel a bit like the iconic American music mogul that it was named after as you listen to the Michael Jackson tunes he helped produce. It also folds up neatly for portability.
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The vibe The Q460 has a frequency range of 18 Hz to 24 kHz with very good high and mid tones with a deep base. The noise cancellation is average, however, and users might find their environments intrude on the sound a bit in quieter moments.
Sound decision A fair value for the feature set, the Q460 provides very good sound quality overall. It also features an iPhone-integrate in-line remote control, so it would be a great addition for those who love to listen to their music catalogue on their smartphones.
Grado PS1000
The look These luxurious (and pricey) headphones feature earcups that are made of mahogany and metal, and feature a leather headband. The PS1000 also comes with a long, three-metre extension cable and a phone-to-minuplug adapter, so it is ready for both your MP3 player and your (no doubt) gold-plated home stereo system.
The vibe Grado, of course, delivers top-notch dynamic sound with unsurpassed base depth and range and a crystal clear treble. Just about everything sounds amazing on the PS1000, whether you're listening to Mozart or a YouTube video of a cat playing the piano.
Sound decision Would you like to buy a set of headphones or a roundtrip ticket to Australia? If you can afford to do both, then this is the top-of-the-line headset you'll want to take with you on your first-class-all-the-way trip.
Monster Beats by Dr Dre Studio
The look Dr Dre's set of headphones are perhaps the most stylish of its class - glossy, thick and attention-getting to say the least. The headphones are also amply padded by faux leather. It comes with two 3.5mm cables - one of which is designed for iPhone remote playback, an airplane adapter and a carrying case.
The vibe While Monster Beats is big on flash, it does not sacrifice on sound, with sturdy, crisp responses across the dynamic range. Don't expect cartoonishly heavy base, however, and don't be surprised if friends or nearby strangers enjoy (or complain) about the sound spilling out into the open air.
Sound decision For those who love to look the part while listening to their tracks, Monster Beats simply cannot be beat. Keep in mind they require AAA batteries that go into the left earcup, and the glossy finish is a magnet for dirt and smudges.