Regarding Juman Jarallah and Rory Reynolds' report Coronavirus: UAE schools to close for a month (March 3): February might be the shortest month but March is going to be the longest as school's out for a month. Parents are in a relax-mode. No school trips to juggle. No early morning madness. Kids home all day, building forts, creating infinite paper planes and trying out all kinds of crazy, new things. While others are just too busy trying to juggle this new curveball.
And in this long month, mothers ask for one thing: a little patience from your side. If apartment corridors are alive with the sounds of kids trying to burn excess energy, please understand. The mother is probably hiding inside after saying ‘no, please don’t’ for the umpteenth time.
If a working mother has to stay home and work remotely, please understand. She has no one to leave the kids with. Nannies don’t grow on trees.
If a work-from-home mom is late submitting her work, please understand. Her plate just got loaded with more than she could handle. It is a difficult time for all of us. For mothers, maybe a little more. The unexpected school break has left us with more work, than we were already doing.
On top of that, there’s fear lurking. Should we take the kids out? Can we do a quick trip to the mall? Is it okay to organise playdates?
It’s not easy, especially with WhatsApp groups circulating all kinds of information. The latest one I read had something to do with garlic and boiled water to prevent the spread. Just for a month, bear with us and our children.
Ayesha Mohammad, Dubai
Syrians need a better future free of the devastation of the past decade
With reference to A regime victory will not end Syria's war (March 10): The National editorial on the Syrian crisis and the civilians suffering was meaningful and thought provoking. Syria's regime, even though controlled under the dictatorship of Mr Al Assad, the people of Syria want somebody to save them even. After a decade of trauma, Syrians need a good regime for their future, free of the dictatorship of Mr Al Assad who is not interested in the people's welfare or the state's development.
K Ragavan, Bengaluru, India
Plastic bag ban: a good, smart move
With reference to Daniel Sanderson and Haneen Dajani's report Abu Dhabi to phase out disposable plastics (March 9): Thank you to all the senior councils and Rulers of the country for gradually taking the extreme and most necessary step.
Mahesh Bhatia, Dubai
This gives us one more reason to love this country.
Jane Roque, Abu Dhabi
This is such a great step. Let’s hope Dubai copies this.
Anna Hopkins, Dubai
In Italy we did this 10 years ago. We use bags made from corn.
Antonia Tartaglia, Dubai