<b>Live updates: Follow the latest on </b><a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/news/mena/2025/01/07/live-israel-gaza-un-aid/" target="_blank"><b>Israel-Gaza</b></a> <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/tags/lebanon/" target="_blank">Lebanon</a> must regain the trust of the international community to unlock financial aid for reconstruction after the war between <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/tags/hezbollah/" target="_blank">Hezbollah</a> and <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/tags/israel/" target="_blank">Israel</a>, caretaker Economy Minister <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/news/mena/2024/09/25/economy-minister-warns-of-decisive-next-24-hours-as-lebanon-nears-point-of-no-return-in-war/" target="_blank">Amin Salam</a> said. The country urgently requires financial support to tackle an economic crisis that began in 2019, exacerbated by the conflict, which inflicted about $10 billion in damage, according to <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/tags/world-bank/" target="_blank">World Bank</a> estimates. Lebanese political sources said the aid, especially from the <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/news/gulf/" target="_blank">Gulf</a> countries, could be released on the <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/news/mena/2024/11/28/resurrecting-lebanons-army-as-hezbollah-cedes-towns-bordering-israel/" target="_blank">condition</a> there is greater political stability and a bigger security role for the army inside the country and at border areas. “The international community told the new leaders that they need to demonstrate concrete steps towards earning back that trust,” Mr Salam told <i>The National</i> this week during the <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/news/uae/2025/01/28/raisina-middle-east-region-has-immense-significance-for-india-says-minister/" target="_blank">Raisina Middle East conference</a> in Abu Dhabi. He warned that “merely appointing new officials is insufficient. Donors want to see execution – real governance in action, in addition to accountability and reform”, adding that “international actors want to see that corruption is really being fought by the new government and that there is transparency in its work”. Earlier this month, Lebanon elected <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/news/mena/2025/01/09/joseph-aoun-who-lebanon-president/" target="_blank">Joseph Aoun</a> as president and appointed <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/news/mena/2025/01/14/nawaf-salam-who-icj/" target="_blank">Nawaf Salam</a> as prime minister-designate. These appointments have renewed diplomatic engagement with Lebanon, particularly from Gulf states, which had previously limited ties due to Hezbollah’s dominance over Lebanese politics. The <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/news/us/" target="_blank">US</a>, <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/tags/france/" target="_blank">France</a> and <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/tags/saudi-arabia/" target="_blank">Saudi Arabia</a> pushed for the election of Mr Aoun. Israel’s military campaign against Hezbollah last year dealt significant blows to the <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/tags/iran/" target="_blank">Iran</a>-backed group. Israel killed its leader <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/tags/hassan-nasrallah/" target="_blank">Hassan Nasrallah</a>, as well as thousands of fighters, and destroyed much of its arsenal. The group’s position was further weakened by the toppling of its Syrian ally, former president <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/tags/bashar-al-assad/" target="_blank">Bashar Al Assad</a>, which disrupted Hezbollah's supply route from its sponsor, Iran. The war that began on October 8, 2023, following Hamas's attacks on Israel, escalated in September last year as Israel intensified its military campaign against Hezbollah. This included air strikes and a ground invasion. Israeli troops have yet to withdraw from southern Lebanon under the terms of a ceasefire deal that has been extended until February 18. Mr Aoun’s victory and the appointment of Nawaf Salam signalled a further decline in the influence of Hezbollah and Iran in Lebanese politics. They are both seen as newcomers and a break from the traditional system. Mr Salam has yet to form his government. He said on Wednesday that consultations were continuing “to form a cabinet that meets the expectations of the Lebanese people”. However, observers note that some traditional political parties are obstructing the process by clinging to ministries they have historically controlled. “The old system is like a virus in the body, fighting back in every way possible,” said Amin Salam. “Despite the strong push from major international players that made this change possible, the system internally is still resisting,” he warned. “They’re not thinking of the government as an entity that needs to work for the entire country and all its people without expecting anything in return. They see it as a deal where they want the biggest share and profit. This mentality needs time to change.” The Lebanese president's inaugural address ignited hope for a new era among the people. “The authorities will have a monopoly on weapons,” he told MPs in his maiden speech, apparently in reference to Hezbollah's arsenal. Last week, Saudi Foreign Minister <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/news/mena/2025/01/03/syrias-foreign-minister-holds-talks-with-saudi-officials-in-riyadh-during-first-overseas-trip/" target="_blank">Prince Faisal bin Farhan</a> travelled to Beirut, becoming the most senior official from the kingdom to visit Lebanon in 15 years. His visit came days after he expressed optimism about the political changes in Lebanon. He said he was confident the new president and the <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/news/mena/2025/01/15/lebanons-pm-designate-nawaf-salam-begins-consultations-to-form-government/" target="_blank">prime minister-designate</a> could “initiate reforms necessary to bolster Lebanon's security, stability and unity”. A day later, GCC Secretary General Jasem Al Budaiwi and Kuwait's Foreign Minister Abdullah Al Yahya met Mr<a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/news/mena/2025/01/09/joseph-aoun-who-lebanon-president/" target="_blank"> Aoun</a> at the presidential palace in Baabda, and the <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/news/uae/" target="_blank">UAE</a> recently announced it would reopen its Lebanese embassy, which had been closed for three years. “Lebanon has long been thirsty for change,” said Amin Salam. “The Lebanese are optimistic, but one hand doesn’t clap; there must be collaboration among all factions.”