Life’n One, which has long been heralded as an oasis for Dubai’s health-conscious residents, has recently undergone a massive transformation. On Thursday, March 12, the wellness centre and plant-based cafe located in Jumeirah 1 opened its doors as the rebranded Seva. The name has been derived from the Sanskrit word meaning “selfless service for the betterment of the community”. “The launch of Seva is an opportunity for the business to shift the conversation surrounding the concept of healing, a popular buzzword within the wellness industry. The word 'healing' implies that something needs to be 'fixed'; it also implies that the process of personal growth is quantitative and linear," reads a statement from the brand. "Co-founders Eda Gungor and Shadi Enbashi wish to offer a new perspective: the inner work you do, whether it’s receiving therapeutic bodywork or attending a meditation class and gong bath, is all a part of your birthright to get curious, discover new elements of yourself, and experience life on your own terms as someone who is already whole." This is the brand's first major rebranding since it opened in 2014. While its ownership, management and team will remain the same, the relaunch signifies a "new era for the business". That includes the introduction of Seva Studio, a knowledge hub where guests can experience yoga, meditation and other well-being sessions. Meanwhile, guests can enjoy Seva Table, a plant-based cafe set with a garden. The area is Wi-Fi-free, encouraging customers to disconnect from screens and instead use the time to bond with others, daydream or get lost in a good book. The brand is also continuing its support of ethically sourced products with Seva Shop, a conscious store where guests can pick up self-care products for themselves or gifts for others. Seva will continue to offer yoga and meditation classes, multi-disciplinary workshops, therapeutic treatments and advanced training, while launching new experiences in the coming months.