Former One Direction star Liam Payne, who has recently embarked on a solo career, will play a gig at Dubai's Global Village on Friday March 30. He will take to the Dubai stage at around 9pm. The best part is that the gig is free – it's being put on to celebrate Virgin Radio's 10th birthday. You will just need to pay the entry fee to get into Global Village, which is Dh15. Because of this, expect crowds. The pop star, 24, has been in the limelight for 10 years, with his 2008<em> X Factor </em>audition leading to him becoming part of pop phenomenon One Direction. But for the past year, he has been flying solo. The music video for Payne's latest single, <em>Bedroom Floor</em>,<em> </em>has been viewed more than 24 million times on YouTube – but we prefer the more upbeat <em>Strip That Down</em>: He's also found solo success with his duet with Rita Ora,<em> For You</em>: Payne is also working on a new single with J Balvin called <em>Familiar –</em> we wonder if we'll be able to hear that from the Global Village stage? <strong>_______________</strong> <strong>Read more</strong> <strong><a href="">The music from fashion runway shows you can stream online</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Dua Lipa in Abu Dhabi: See a pop star who is on her way to greatness</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Eurovision-style Russian music awards Bravo to be held in Abu Dhabi this year</a></strong> <strong>_______________</strong>