Actress-singer Bidisha Bezbaruah was found dead on Monday night after having allegedly committed suicide. <a href=""><em>The Times of India</em></a> is reporting that the Assamese star was found dead in Gurugum. The newspaper says Bezbaruah's father was pushing for her husband, Nisheeth Jha, to be questioned over the matter. He has since been arrested, according to the latest media reports out of India. Her father told <em>Tribune India</em> that he was talking to her on the phone before she took the drastic step to end her life. She is said to have been unhappy in her marriage. Bezbaruah is most famous for her role in <em>Xanto Xisto Hristo Pusto Mohadusto</em> and also had side-role in<em> Jagga Jasoos</em>, the Bollywood blockbuster starring Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif, that released in cinemas globally last Friday. The film which <a href="">The National</a> reviewed last weekend, was one of the most anticipated of the year and has had a slower than expected run at the box office.