Game Of Thrones star Emilia Clarke has posted a video on her Instagram account urging people to register to vote. In the last few days more than a million people have registered to vote or to vote by post ahead of the deadline on Tuesday. She is one of a number of celebrities taking to social media to encourage people to vote. The cut off point to be eligible to take part in the UK's December 12 general election is 11.59pm (GMT) on Tuesday for people registering to vote. For people wanting to vote by post the deadline is earlier at 5pm (GMT). People who want someone to vote on their behalf have until the same time on 4 December to apply. Official figures show that between November 18 and November 24 1,036,450 people submitted voter applications either online or by post. The actress, who plays Daenerys Targaryen in the series, posted a video of herself holding up cards encouraging her UK fans to vote. The cards read: "Dear UK, register to vote. Do it now, Tuesday 26th November is the deadline. You have a voice. Use it." So far the video has been viewed 5.7m times. It comes as many youngsters are being encourage to sign up and vote for the first time in what has been dubbed 'the vote of a lifetime'. England footballer Raheen Sterling tweeted that it was "one of the most important elections of out generation". More than 200,000 under-35s signed up to vote on Friday in one of the busiest days for applications in UK political history. It comes as the election result looks set to decide the outcome of Brexit. Around two-thirds of those who have registered since the end of October are under the age of 35, and more than a million are under 25. The Electoral Commission estimates up to 9.4 million eligible voters are not on the electoral roll, or are not registered at their current address. The leader of the opposition Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn has also tweeted urging people to vote.