The weather in Dubai and Abu Dhabi on Tuesday will be partly sunny, with cloud covering most parts of the Emirates. Temperatures are up compared with last week and are forecast to reach 28°C in the afternoon, accompanied by a moderate breeze of up to 12kph. Night time temperatures are expected to drop to 19°C by Wednesday morning. The National Centre of Meteorology forecast fair conditions for the country in general, but gave a warning that humidity could climb during the night and into Wednesday morning. Humidity in coastal areas could reach between 70 and 85 per cent. The forecast for Abu Dhabi promises a similar day of clear skies and light winds. Peak temperatures are expected to reach 27°C in the early afternoon, with a lighter breeze of up to 19kph. However, the lowest temperature recorded in the early hours of Tuesday morning was at Jebel Jais mountain, where the mercury hit 9°C.