Private school hours will be shortened over Ramadan, the education regulator in Abu Dhabi announced on Tuesday. The Department of Education and Knowledge has told all schools in the capital that they will operate for fewer hours over the holy month. The school day during Ramadan will begin between 8am and 8.30am and finish between 1.30pm and 2pm, excluding Kindergarten. Kindergarten classes may finish at 12.30pm, at the discretion of the school. Schools will also be obliged to provide private indoor eating areas for non-fasting pupils. This month, the Knowledge and Human Development Authority said all <a href="">private schools</a> and <a href="">public schools</a> in Dubai would have their days shortened to five hours<a href=""> </a>during the holy month. <strong>_______________</strong> <strong>Read more:</strong> <strong><a href="">Ramadan 2018: Public sector working hours announced</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Ramadan 2018 FAQs: all you need to know about the holy month in the UAE</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Do non-Muslims have to work full hours during Ramadan in the UAE?</a></strong> <strong>Our favourite Ramadan photos from the past 10 years:</strong>