Iran and Israel are widely expected to have another round of clashes this year
Three private security firms are checking the vehicles of displaced Palestinians returning north during the Israel-Hamas ceasefire
Military zone holds significant strategic importance
Converted container ship is shown carrying helicopters and launching attack drones
Iran’s military relies heavily on oil revenues which could be almost wiped out by tougher US sanctions
Troops were unable to reload interceptors fast enough while Hamas invaded
In remote locations on long missions, battery power can be a life-or-death issue
Washington launched covert assassination programme against militants in Syria in 2015
US President is reviving a decades-old dream of a missile shield, but supporting elements would have global coverage
Long-range aerial attack weapon has been compared to the US Reaper
Washington has its sights on curbing a force many say answers only to Iran, but one that is deeply embedded in local economies
The US Navy highlights the soaring cost of intercepting affordable drones, which are becoming easier to produce
Israel’s war on the devastated strip has left a mammoth challenge of reconstruction ahead
Six years ago, Israeli military planners gathered to devise a new and destructive way to fight militants
Some weapons still reaching Hezbollah despite fall of Bashar Al Assad, security official says