Afghanistan aid agencies, Jordan's Captagon haul, New York winter storm — Trending

Cody Combs gives a round-up of today's trends

Trending Middle East brings you the latest social media and search trends from the region and around the world.

On today's episode, aid agencies, including Save the Children, suspend operations in Afghanistan after the Taliban bar women from working for foreign NGOs.

Jordanian authorities seize six million Captagon pills at the Iraqi border in one of the kingdom's largest drug hauls.

“New Year’s” and “New Year’s Eve” are registering a lot of momentum in internet searches, with the highest interest coming from the US, Australia, the UK, New Zealand and Canada.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul says at least 12 people in the state have died as a result of a frigid winter storm that has covered much of the US, leaving many without power and thousands of flights cancelled.

Updated: December 26, 2022, 5:20 AM