Although one of the problems with obesity is consumption of things deemed unhealthy, a sugar tax is not the answer (Why a sugar tax can beat obesity, December 9). Taxing something will not help curb the consumption of that said product to a visible degree, so at the end of the day it looks like an attempt to gouge money out of people with this pseudo-VAT.
Sugar and food containing sugar are not the only things causing obesity. Eating fast food leads to that, consuming a lot of fatty products leads to that, the lack of outdoor activities, mainly thanks to the weather, leads to that. Taxing sugar is like treating a symptom of a disease, rather than treating the disease itself.
Victor Crainic,
Jamie Oliver, the celebrity chef, started this idea in the UK for people to eat healthy. I think the government loved it for different reasons.
Jase White,
It won’t work. The majority of diabetics and obese people have a lot of money. The only way to stop this is through education.
Christopher Hopchin,
We need the prices of healthy foods to reduce. Many of us end up buying junk food because it’s cheaper. A can of soft drinks costs Dh1.50, while the same amount of orange juice can cost much more.
Zaki Murad,
Regarding the news report Men need to admit to eating disorders, specialists say (December 11), if there were genuine support groups here as in other countries, this would help a lot.
By genuine, I mean support groups not run by someone with a fancy title and degree charging in excess of Dh600 an hour but who conducts meet-ups where people can share and open up.
People need open avenues where they can discuss and share with others, not Hollywood fantasyland style therapists.
Tanya Milbourne,
Behaviour of drivers shocking
Regarding the news report Parents urged to use booster seats to keep young children safe (December 10), it's sad that in 2016 people still have to be advised not to strap small children into adult seat belts, because such action could be fatal.
Tom Richardson,
It’s amazing that so many people buckle themselves up but allow their children to jump around in the back as if it’s a playground.
Tarek Omar,
Using a booster seat should be law. Some people can’t be educated. I remember one guy telling me that his wife had to sit in the back with their baby in arms, for safety.
Gary Wright,
We need to take the driving problem in this country seriously.
No amount of advice and technology has so far been able to control reckless, callous and irresponsible driving. People who drive with children in their cars without buckling them inor strapping them improperly should be taken to task.
Children are at our mercy. This is the reason why those who do not take the safety of their children seriously should face heavy fines and licence confiscation. Advice and education would not be enough – that has been proven time and again. Why waste time advising people on issues that are otherwise matters of commonsense?
Ameena Ali,
Indonesians want change
Two rallies have taken place in Indonesia and the third is on the way (Indonesians hold massive protest against Jakarta governor, December 3).
President Joko Widodo is no longer the best option for Indonesians.
Alexander Maxalmena,