Meshaan al Jabourey, a former Iraqi MP and vocal supporter of insurgents, in his office at Al Rai television station, in Yaufur, near Damascus, 23 October 2008. Mr al Jabourey fled from Iraq in February 2006 after being accused of corruption and stripped of his parliamentary immunity. 
Photo by Phil Sands.
 *** Local Caption ***  Meshaan al Jabourey 4.jpg
Meshaan al Jabourey, a former Iraqi MP and vocal supporter of insurgents, in his office at Al Rai television station in Yaufur, near Damascus . Mr al Jabourey fled Iraq in 2006 after being accused of Show more

Rebel without a pause

Damascus // Meshaan al Jabourey was talking as he always does, almost too fast to keep up with, racing through sentences, words and theories spilling out, his face theatrically animated with the effort. A finger jabbed the air when he got on to the subject of being blacklisted by the United States government for supporting insurgents in Iraq. "I confirm to you and say frankly, we are a mouthpiece for Iraqi resistance groups and their leaders," he said. "There is no more softness left."

The 51-year-old Iraqi was a member of parliament in post-US invasion Baghdad until 2006 when he was expelled on charges of embezzling government money and supporting militants. He denies the former but - pointedly - not the latter. Stripped of parliamentary immunity from prosecution, Mr al Jabourey fled to the safety of Syria where he has since lived in exile. For a year, his Egypt-based television station, Al Zawraa, continued to broadcast pro-insurgency material, including clips of US soldiers being blown up.

It was Al Zawraa that was largely responsible for the legend of "Juba the Baghdad Sniper", a mythical figure who claims to have shot more than one hundred US troops. Some of the killings were recorded with a video camera and Al Zawraa would show them on repeat loops with a soundtrack of Islamic music - a sort of insurgent MTV. Then in early 2007, the former MP suffered another setback when, under pressure from the US and Iraqi governments, the Egyptian authorities took Al Zawraa off the air. According to US intelligence services, the station was broadcasting coded messages to the Islamic Army of Iraq as well as showing recruitment videos.

By January this year, the US treasury department had imposed sanctions on Mr al Jabourey, freezing any assets he held in the US, on the grounds he "provides financial, material and technical support for acts of violence that threaten the peace and stability of Iraq". The US government also said that, despite making public comments that were critical of al Qa'eda, the Mosul-born Iraqi had worked with a jihadist umbrella organisation - the Mujahadin Shura Council - and was therefore in league with Osama bin Laden.

Rather than lying low, by early 2008 Mr al Jabourey was heavily involved in another television station, the Syria-based Al Rai, not to be confused with the Kuwaiti station of the same name. By his account, the project was to be entirely different from Al Zawraa and, in an effort to avoid a direct confrontation with the US authorities, Mr al Jabourey took a consulting role. The station was officially run by his Syrian-born wife, Rawa al Usta and, for a time, followed a more moderate line than Al Zawraa. Then in September, the US issued a sanctions order against both Al Rai and Mrs al Usta, again on the grounds the station was supporting terrorism in Iraq.

"To begin with, my wife was shocked and worried by the sanctions," Mr al Jabourey said in an interview with The National at Al Rai's headquarters, an upmarket villa and studio complex in Yaufur, near Damascus. Until then, he insisted that Mrs al Usta had acted as controller of the station and had vetoed all his efforts to show insurgent material. After the sanctions were imposed that changed, he said.

"Slowly she became angry and that was it," he said, sitting behind a large desk piled with mounds of paperwork. "Her wise speech and calmness ended: 'The Syrian-diplomacy is over and now it's my decision. We are showing the resistance clips and it is in response to the US sanctions.' " One of the station's programmes is called Let's Talk Frankly, which gives airtime to militants involved in fighting US troops in Iraq.

"Every day we have a guest here from the Iraqi resistance," he said. "We have people calling in from across the world and we allow them to call for jihad if they want. This is my vision. "There has been a coup d'etat in Al Rai TV and the loudest voices are now with the resistance. I resist the Americans with all means now I am the decision maker here." According to Mr al Jabourey, his wife is the first Arab woman to be specifically targeted by US sanctions, something he is clearly proud of. "She wasn't happy with it at the start," he said, "but now she too is happy."

The effect of the US treasury's orders has apparently been negligible because neither Mr al Jabourey nor his wife holds assets in America. "If they can find that I have anything there, let them keep it," he said. Mr al Jabourey is one of the most renowned family names in Iraq. The tribe claims about two million members, mainly in the areas around Salahadin province and Ninewa. Many Jaboureys were trusted members of Saddam Hussein's Republic Guard until tribal members attempted to assassinate the former president, the event that triggered Mr al Jabourey's first period of exile from his homeland.

While living outside Iraq, he actually called for Saddam's overthrow, as part of the opposition that eventually helped to persuade the Americans to go to war. "I pushed for the toppling of the regime," he said. "I feel sorrow at that now." Rather than simply casting aside the Baath Party and ushering in a smooth transition of power to a new leader as he had hoped, Mr al Jabourey said the invasion opened the door for an Iranian domination of Iraq and a sectarian war that he blamed on Tehran, Israel and Kurdish separatists, all of whom he insisted had a vested interest in seeing Iraq weak and divided.

"These groups had some success and created a sectarian war," he said. "But now their influence is lessening. I think all Iraqis realise the divisions were something pushed by our enemies. "Today we have a strengthening nationalist discourse and the chance to divide Iraq has vanished. I met with fighters who were involved in the sectarian war - they were cutting the heads off Iraqis for sectarian reasons - and they are ashamed of that now, they are ashamed they did that."

Despite the recently concluded Status of Forces Agreement between the US and Iraqi governments pledging to pull American combat troops out of the country by 2011, and the ambition of Barack Obama, the president-elect, to withdraw even faster than that, Mr al Jabourey said resistance must continue. "I dream of seeing no American soldiers in my country," he said. "I'm angry with anyone who advocates a slow withdrawal. They are traitors but are afraid to admit it. Yesterday is better than today for the Americans to leave."

Included on Mr al Jabourey's list of traitors are members of the Sahwa Councils, the Sunni-dominated tribes that once sided with the insurgents but who then signed on to the US payroll and turned against al Qa'eda-style extremists. "It is not a matter that all Sahwa are bad," he said. "Some are agents of the occupation, some fight against al Qa'eda. To me the Americans and al Qa'eda are the same - both are foreign occupation forces."

At its peak, the Sahwa movement had about 90,000 members although the Iraqi government is slowly cutting back on that number since taking over responsibility for the project in October. Many in the Sahwa fear the authorities will stop paying them and that the insurgency will reignite as disenchanted fighters pick up their weapons again. Mr al Jabourey said he hoped and expected that to happen."We will be happy if [Iraqi prime minister Nouri] al Maliki doesn't pay them salaries," he said.

"We always said to the Sahwa that their sell by date was passed, that they were just being used by the Americans. The history of all occupations is filled with such traitors who are prepared to deal with the occupiers, like the Algerians, and the French, in Vietnam. "If the Sahwa say sorry and go back to the resistance groups we can forget history." His remarks have not made him popular among tribal leaders in Iraq who are part of the Sahwa movement and who are currently co-operating with the Americans. Sheikh Malik al Gariri, a Sahwa tribal leader in south central Iraq, the area once notorious as the "triangle of death", dismissed Mr al Jabourey's claims.

"The traitors are the ones who leave the country and don't stay here to help," Sheikh Malik told The National. "I stay. I feel the suffering and try to help my people and my neighbours, by all means, we are patriots. If someone considers himself a patriot, let him come back and resist if he wants to resist but those who leave are traitors." Sheikh Malik heads a tribal force of 3,000 fighters. Once hostile to the US military presence, he has entered into an uneasy alliance with US forces. He keeps a poster on his wall in Arabic extolling the virtues of those who shed the blood of occupiers.

Despite his hard-line rhetoric against the US in Iraq, and his insistence that those co-operating with America have betrayed their country, Mr al Jabourey praised David Petraeus, the former US commander in Iraq credited with cutting back violence and suffocating much of the sectarian conflict. He also said he was not automatically against dealing with the current Iraqi government and Mr al Maliki, a man he described as "obsessed with position and power".

"Maliki is desperate to retain his post as prime minister whatever the cost," he said. "If he does that by strengthening Iraq as a country, we are happy with that. When he is tough against the Kurds and the Americans, it is my duty to support him. When he tries to behave like a national leader, I must support him." With the US military preparing at least a partial withdrawal, and with the worst of the sectarian bloodshed in Baghdad apparently over, Mr al Jabourey signalled that a new war may be about to break out, one between Iraq's Arabs and Kurds.

The Kurdish northern region already has significant autonomy from Baghdad and Arab Iraqis fear the Kurds are trying to seize Kirkuk and parts of Ninewa province, en route to declaring themselves an independent. "The Kurdish want to revive the sectarian fire because they cannot stand against the Arabs if we are unified," Mr al Jabourey said. He went on to directly accuse Kurdish groups of setting off "sectarian bombs" to provoke renewed conflict.

"I have spoken to the Arab groups that used to be setting off sectarian bombs and making the Sunnis fight the Shiites," he said. "They have stopped doing this because they realised they were doing us harm. Today the only ones setting those bombs are the Kurdish and al Qa'eda. Kurdish groups are supporting al Qa'eda in Mosul and Kirkuk and Baghdad." The allegation cannot be verified and it is one rejected categorically by the Kurdish who blame Iraq's Arabs for the sectarian violence. But if Mr al Jabourey does, as he claims, represent the viewpoint of powerful former insurgents, it suggests more fighting lies ahead for Iraq.

"Let me just say that the Kurds have bitten of more than they can chew," he warned.

UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
About Proto21

Date started: May 2018
Founder: Pir Arkam
Based: Dubai
Sector: Additive manufacturing (aka, 3D printing)
Staff: 18
Funding: Invested, supported and partnered by Joseph Group


Starring: Lupita Nyong'o, Joseph Quinn, Djimon Hounsou

Director: Michael Sarnoski

Rating: 4/5

Switching sides

Mahika Gaur is the latest Dubai-raised athlete to attain top honours with another country.

Velimir Stjepanovic (Serbia, swimming)
Born in Abu Dhabi and raised in Dubai, he finished sixth in the final of the 2012 Olympic Games in London in the 200m butterfly final.

Jonny Macdonald (Scotland, rugby union)
Brought up in Abu Dhabi and represented the region in international rugby. When the Arabian Gulf team was broken up into its constituent nations, he opted to play for Scotland instead, and went to the Hong Kong Sevens.

Sophie Shams (England, rugby union)
The daughter of an English mother and Emirati father, Shams excelled at rugby in Dubai, then after attending university in the UK played for England at sevens.

Profile box

Company name: baraka
Started: July 2020
Founders: Feras Jalbout and Kunal Taneja
Based: Dubai and Bahrain
Sector: FinTech
Initial investment: $150,000
Current staff: 12
Stage: Pre-seed capital raising of $1 million
Investors: Class 5 Global, FJ Labs, IMO Ventures, The Community Fund, VentureSouq, Fox Ventures, Dr Abdulla Elyas (private investment)


Engine: 1.5-litre turbo

Power: 181hp

Torque: 230Nm

Transmission: 6-speed automatic

Starting price: Dh79,000

On sale: Now

Best Foreign Language Film nominees

Capernaum (Lebanon)

Cold War (Poland)

Never Look Away (Germany)

Roma (Mexico)

Shoplifters (Japan)

The five types of long-term residential visas

Obed Suhail of ServiceMarket, an online home services marketplace, outlines the five types of long-term residential visas:


A 10-year residency visa can be obtained by investors who invest Dh10 million, out of which 60 per cent should not be in real estate. It can be a public investment through a deposit or in a business. Those who invest Dh5 million or more in property are eligible for a five-year residency visa. The invested amount should be completely owned by the investors, not loaned, and retained for at least three years.


A five-year multiple entry visa is available to entrepreneurs with a previous project worth Dh0.5m or those with the approval of an accredited business incubator in the UAE.  


Expats with specialised talents, including doctors, specialists, scientists, inventors, and creative individuals working in the field of culture and art are eligible for a 10-year visa, given that they have a valid employment contract in one of these fields in the country.

Outstanding students:

A five-year visa will be granted to outstanding students who have a grade of 95 per cent or higher in a secondary school, or those who graduate with a GPA of 3.75 from a university. 


Expats who are at least 55 years old can obtain a five-year retirement visa if they invest Dh2m in property, have savings of Dh1m or more, or have a monthly income of at least Dh20,000.

Specs: 2024 McLaren Artura Spider

Engine: 3.0-litre twin-turbo V6 and electric motor
Max power: 700hp at 7,500rpm
Max torque: 720Nm at 2,250rpm
Transmission: Eight-speed dual-clutch auto
0-100km/h: 3.0sec
Top speed: 330kph
Price: From Dh1.14 million ($311,000)
On sale: Now

Company Profile

Company name: Hoopla
Date started: March 2023
Founder: Jacqueline Perrottet
Based: Dubai
Number of staff: 10
Investment stage: Pre-seed
Investment required: $500,000


Fixture: Thailand v UAE, Tuesday, 4pm (UAE)

TV: Abu Dhabi Sports

Herc's Adventures

Developer: Big Ape Productions
Publisher: LucasArts
Console: PlayStation 1 & 5, Sega Saturn
Rating: 4/5

Race card

6.30pm: Al Maktoum Challenge Round-3 Group 1 (PA) US$100,000 (Dirt) 2,000m

7.05pm: Meydan Classic Listed (TB) $175,000 (Turf) 1,600m

7.40pm: Handicap (TB) $135,000 (T) 2,000m

8.15pm: Handicap (TB) $135,000 (D) 1,600m

8.50pm: Nad Al Sheba Trophy Group 2 (TB) $300,000 (T) 2,810m

9.25pm: Curlin Stakes Listed (TB) $175,000 (D) 2,000m

10pm: Handicap (TB) $135,000 (T) 2,000m

10.35pm: Handicap (TB) $175,000 (T) 1,400m

The National selections

6.30pm: Shahm, 7.05pm: Well Of Wisdom, 7.40pm: Lucius Tiberius, 8.15pm: Captain Von Trapp, 8.50pm: Secret Advisor, 9.25pm: George Villiers, 10pm: American Graffiti, 10.35pm: On The Warpath


Company name: Almouneer
Started: 2017
Founders: Dr Noha Khater and Rania Kadry
Based: Egypt
Number of staff: 120
Investment: Bootstrapped, with support from Insead and Egyptian government, seed round of
$3.6 million led by Global Ventures

Our legal consultant

Name: Dr Hassan Mohsen Elhais

Position: legal consultant with Al Rowaad Advocates and Legal Consultants.


Main display: 7.6" QXGA+ Dynamic Amoled 2X, Infinity Flex, 2176 x 1812, 21.6:18, 374ppi, HDR10+, up to 120Hz

Cover display: 6.2" HD+ Dynamic Amoled 2X, 2316 x 904, 23.1:9, 402ppi, up to 120Hz

Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, 4nm, octa-core; Adreno 740 GPU

Memory: 12GB

Capacity: 256/512GB / 1TB (online exclusive)

Platform: Android 13, One UI 5.1.1

Main camera: Triple 12MP ultra-wide (f/2.2) + 50MP wide (f/1.8) + 10MP telephoto (f/2.4), dual OIS, 3x optical zoom, 30x Space Zoom, portrait, super slo-mo

Video: 8K@24fps, 4K@60fps, full-HD@60/240fps, HD@960fps; slo-mo@60/240/960fps; HDR10+

Cover camera: 10MP (f/2.2)

Inner front camera: Under-display 4MP (f/1.8)

Battery: 4400mAh, 25W fast charging, 15W wireless, 4.5W reverse wireless

Connectivity: 5G; Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.3, NFC (Samsung Pay)


Cards: Nano-SIM + eSIM; dual nano-SIMs + eSIM

Colours: Cream, icy blue, phantom black; online exclusives – blue, grey

In the box: Fold5, USB-C-to-USB-C cable

Price: Dh6,799 / Dh7,249 / Dh8,149

The specs

Price, base / as tested Dh1,100,000 (est)

Engine 5.2-litre V10

Gearbox seven-speed dual clutch

Power 630bhp @ 8,000rpm

Torque 600Nm @ 6,500rpm

Fuel economy, combined 15.7L / 100km (est) 


1st row 
Sebastian Vettel (Ferrari)
Kimi Raikkonen (Ferrari)

2nd row 
Valtteri Bottas (Mercedes-GP)
Lewis Hamilton (Mercedes-GP)

3rd row 
Max Verstappen (Red Bull Racing)
Daniel Ricciardo (Red Bull Racing)

4th row 
Nico Hulkenberg (Renault)
Sergio Perez (Force India)

5th row 
Carlos Sainz Jr (Renault)
Romain Grosjean (Haas)

6th row 
Kevin Magnussen (Haas)
Esteban Ocon (Force India)

7th row 
Fernando Alonso (McLaren)
Stoffel Vandoorne (McLaren)

8th row 
Brendon Hartley (Toro Rosso)
Sergey Sirotkin (Williams)

9th row 
Pierre Gasly (Toro Rosso)
Lance Stroll (Williams)

10th row 
Charles Leclerc (Sauber)
arcus Ericsson (Sauber)

Company Profile

Company name: Cargoz
Date started: January 2022
Founders: Premlal Pullisserry and Lijo Antony
Based: Dubai
Number of staff: 30
Investment stage: Seed


Company: Eco Way
Started: December 2023
Founder: Ivan Kroshnyi
Based: Dubai, UAE
Industry: Electric vehicles
Investors: Bootstrapped with undisclosed funding. Looking to raise funds from outside


Rajasthan Royals 160-8 (20 ov)

Kolkata Knight Riders 163-3 (18.5 ov)


Engine: Two-litre four-cylinder turbo
Power: 235hp
Torque: 350Nm
Transmission: Nine-speed automatic
Price: From Dh167,500 ($45,000)
On sale: Now


Started: 2023
Co-founders: Arto Bendiken and Talal Thabet
Based: Dubai, UAE
Industry: AI
Number of employees: 41
Funding: About $1.7 million
Investors: Self, family and friends

The Roundup

Director: Lee Sang-yong
Stars: Ma Dong-seok, Sukku Son, Choi Gwi-hwa
Rating: 4/5