Dr Tamara Ghazi runs and cycles six times a week and usually ends her workouts by 8.30am. Pawan Singh / The National
Dr Tamara Ghazi runs and cycles six times a week and usually ends her workouts by 8.30am. Pawan Singh / The National

UAE residents beat the heat by exercising in the morning

DUBAI // From yoga to more strenuous activities such as cycling and sprinting – it is still possible to exercise outdoors in the summer.

With many residents starting their exercise programmes as early as 6am, when the temperature can be a relatively low 30°C, the heat is no excuse to refrain from keeping fit, they say.

“My training doesn’t change all year round, but I run less in summer because I don’t enjoy being outdoors as much,” said Dr Tamara Ghazi, the medical director at Diversified Integrated Sports Clinic in Dubai Healthcare City.

“You just have to be smart about protecting your head from the sun, and make sure to hydrate throughout and after your workout.

“If you have any headaches or blurred vision, then stop. And I wouldn’t recommend it to people fasting in Ramadan.”

Dr Ghazi, a 29-year-old Canadian-Arab who goes running and, on occasion, cycling early in the morning six times a week, said the sun was not as strong at that time.

“It’s a really nice time of the day. I swim in the sea once every two weeks at 6.30am and the water is very cool. It also refreshes you, so it keeps your focus at work when you feel sluggish from the heat. It’s definitely tolerable.”

Her workouts usually end by 8.30am. “It actually feels great because the sun isn’t that bright and humidity isn’t that high,” she said. “You get used to it. You have to take lots of water, coconut water and electrolytes.

“Heat training is also really good because the race becomes easier, and the humidity is like training in altitude, so it works really well.”

Dima Godfrey, a 35-year-old regional sales manager who lives in Dubai, includes kick-boxing, circuit training, running, swimming and cycling in his workout. In summer, he does athletics on an outdoor track twice a week, coupled with several short runs.

“I go very early in the morning, about 6am, and cycling at 5am,” said Mr Godfrey, who is from the UK. “There are a few of us that go so it’s easy to motivate each other.”

In this weather, it made sense to exercise in the morning, he said. “That’s the whole idea of going out before the sun comes out. Lately, it’s been just under 35°C at that time and it’s bearable with the right hydration, but it’s still tough.”

Training in the morning, Mr Godfrey said, was something he started doing at a young age. “I grew up in the UK, where the temperature is a lot cooler and I got in the habit of training in the morning before going to work. I just carried on doing it when I got here, and I prefer it because of the convenience, in terms of time, and there’s something about training in the morning that enables me to make good food choices the rest of the day.”

People must be aware, however, that with outdoor training comes the need for constant hydration.

“People have to be sensible,” Mr Godfrey said. “Every person is different so if they feel faint or dizzy, they should pace themselves and take regular breaks. But don’t underestimate the sun. It can get really gruesome if you’re not prepared for it.”

Megan Mileham is used to the summer heat, having lived in Dubai for the past 20 years. Every week, three of her daily workouts are completed outside.

“If I train outside, I do stuff in the morning at about 6am or 7am,” the callisthenics trainer said. “I like to do body weights early, so I work also on a lot of strength yoga, which is a workout in itself. I like to work up a sweat and get some fresh air.”

The feeling of working out as early as possible was rewarding, the South African said.

“The fresh air is good and the humidity is quite nice on your skin. It adds to it because you get sweatier quicker and you burn more calories than when inside.

“As long as you listen to your body and stay hydrated, it can’t hurt. So as long as you’re comfortable, just keep going.”


A new relationship with the old country

Treaty of Friendship between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United Arab Emirates

The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United Arab Emirates; Considering that the United Arab Emirates has assumed full responsibility as a sovereign and independent State; Determined that the long-standing and traditional relations of close friendship and cooperation between their peoples shall continue; Desiring to give expression to this intention in the form of a Treaty Friendship; Have agreed as follows:

ARTICLE 1 The relations between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United Arab Emirates shall be governed by a spirit of close friendship. In recognition of this, the Contracting Parties, conscious of their common interest in the peace and stability of the region, shall: (a) consult together on matters of mutual concern in time of need; (b) settle all their disputes by peaceful means in conformity with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.

ARTICLE 2 The Contracting Parties shall encourage education, scientific and cultural cooperation between the two States in accordance with arrangements to be agreed. Such arrangements shall cover among other things: (a) the promotion of mutual understanding of their respective cultures, civilisations and languages, the promotion of contacts among professional bodies, universities and cultural institutions; (c) the encouragement of technical, scientific and cultural exchanges.

ARTICLE 3 The Contracting Parties shall maintain the close relationship already existing between them in the field of trade and commerce. Representatives of the Contracting Parties shall meet from time to time to consider means by which such relations can be further developed and strengthened, including the possibility of concluding treaties or agreements on matters of mutual concern.

ARTICLE 4 This Treaty shall enter into force on today’s date and shall remain in force for a period of ten years. Unless twelve months before the expiry of the said period of ten years either Contracting Party shall have given notice to the other of its intention to terminate the Treaty, this Treaty shall remain in force thereafter until the expiry of twelve months from the date on which notice of such intention is given.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned have signed this Treaty.

DONE in duplicate at Dubai the second day of December 1971AD, corresponding to the fifteenth day of Shawwal 1391H, in the English and Arabic languages, both texts being equally authoritative.


Geoffrey Arthur  Sheikh Zayed

In numbers

- Number of children under five will fall from 681 million in 2017 to 401m in 2100

- Over-80s will rise from 141m in 2017 to 866m in 2100

- Nigeria will become the world’s second most populous country with 791m by 2100, behind India

- China will fall dramatically from a peak of 2.4 billion in 2024 to 732 million by 2100

- an average of 2.1 children per woman is required to sustain population growth