A groundbreaking light show will be the centrepiece of celebrations bringing in the New Year in Downtown Dubai, part of an attempt at a Guinness World Record title. Emaar, the developer behind the Burj Khalifa and Dubai Mall, has organised ‘Light Up 2018’ to celebrate the UAE’s achievements and pay tribute to the founding father, Sheikh Zayed, and to mark the ‘Year of Zayed’ in 2018. Emaar posted a video of “1.1.2018” glowing in neon blue lights on Facebook with a comment stating: “This MyDubaiNewYear is nothing like you've seen before! Get ready for a groundbreaking show as we LightUp2018 in Downtown Dubai," Emaar is working closely with government and private sector entities for the organisation of the event, with special viewing decks being set up for the public in Burj Park, South Ridge and the Mohammed bin Rashid Boulevard. A dedicated viewing platform for 100 people with disabilities will also be set up. The ‘Light Up 2018’ celebrations will kick-off at 5 pm starting with The Dubai Fountain shows and a live DJ, and continue until 1 am. Visitors and residents are urged to be at the venue by 6 pm. The event will be broadcast live globally and beamed on big screens in Downtown Dubai. The experience can be watched online at <a href="http://www.mydubainewyear.com/" target="_blank">www.mydubainewyear.com</a>. <br/>