A man who is accused of forging documents to fraudulently transfer almost Dh1 million from a woman's account has denied the charges against him in court.
The Indian man, 29, is accused of forging multiple documents, including an Emirates ID, before using them to change the woman's du mobile number and the mobile number registered to her bank account.
The new number was then used to bypass security and gain access to the woman's bank account and transfer Dh873,000 to a private company account.
The woman, also Indian, realised something was wrong when she tried to withdraw money but found her account to be empty.
When she told the bank she had not authorised the large transfer of funds, the bank told her the phone number on the account had recently been changed and that the new number had been used for security clearance.
"The bank told me that the defendant submitted documents claiming that I had given him power of attorney, which is not true," she said.
The woman visited a du store and was also shown the application submitted to change the phone number connected to her bank account.
"The documents and the signature are not mine," she said.
In court on Sunday morning, the accused denied charges of forgery, use of forged documents and fraudulently obtaining Dh873,000.
The next hearing has been scheduled for March 31.