The Court of Arbitration for Sport headquarters is pictured before the release of the decision in the case of South Africa's runner Caster Semenya. AP Photo
The Court of Arbitration for Sport headquarters is pictured before the release of the decision in the case of South Africa's runner Caster Semenya. AP Photo

Cas dismisses Caster Semenya appeal over IAAF testosterone regulations

South African runner Caster Semenya on Wednesday lost her court challenge against IAAF rules forcing female athletes to regulate their testosterone levels, but judges voiced concern with the application of the "discriminatory" regulations.

Semenya, a double Olympic champion, was fighting measures imposed by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) that compel "hyperandrogenic" athletes - or those with "differences of sexual development" (DSD) - to lower their testosterone levels if they wish to compete as women.

A three judge panel at the Court of Arbitration for Sportsaid it had "some serious concerns as to the future practical application of these DSD regulations."

Even though the regulations are "discriminatory ... such discrimination is a necessary, reasonable and proportionate means of achieving the IAAF's aim of preserving the integrity of female athletics in the Restricted Events," the Lausanne-based court said in a statement.

The IAAF insisted the rules were essential to preserve a level playing field and ensure that all female athletes can see "a path to success".

The verdict is certain to cause controversy, as Semenya was backed by a global coalition of nations and scientific experts who argued that testosterone is an arbitrary and unfair measure for determining gender.

Experts also stressed that achieving excellence in sport is a combination of training and commitment as well as genetics and that barring people from competition over a single genetic factor has no scientific basis.

In a rare intrusion into the world of sport, the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a resolution last month branding the IAAF rules "unnecessary, humiliating and harmful".

The IAAF has countered that DSD athletes with male levels of testosterone "get the same increases in bone and muscle size and strength and increases in haemoglobin that a male gets when they go through puberty."

Semenya's testosterone levels are not publicly known, but she is unlikely to be the only athlete affected by Wednesday's verdict.

The two athletes who finished behind her in the Rio Olympics 800m, Francine Niyonsaba of Burundi and Kenya's Margaret Wambui, have also faced questions about their testosterone levels.

Name: Almnssa
Started: August 2020
Founder: Areej Selmi
Based: Gaza
Sectors: Internet, e-commerce
Investments: Grants/private funding
If you go
Where to stay: Courtyard by Marriott Titusville Kennedy Space Centre has unparalleled views of the Indian River. Alligators can be spotted from hotel room balconies, as can several rocket launch sites. The hotel also boasts cool space-themed decor.

When to go: Florida is best experienced during the winter months, from November to May, before the humidity kicks in.

How to get there: Emirates currently flies from Dubai to Orlando five times a week.
Champions parade (UAE timings)

7pm Gates open

8pm Deansgate stage showing starts

9pm Parade starts at Manchester Cathedral

9.45pm Parade ends at Peter Street

10pm City players on stage

11pm event ends