Cocoa speculator gets his fingers burned

It was a bad week for Choc Finger. The British financier Anthony Ward, dubbed Choc Finger by the British press after he cornered a £658 million chunk of the world's cocoa market, suffered major paper losses when the price of cocoa for September delivery dropped 7.3 per cent this week. It fell each of the past three days to end at US$2,935 a tonne.

London-traded cocoa has gained 25 per cent in the past year, partly on forecasts of higher demand as the global economy recovers. It reached a 10-week high on July 16. Beans from Ivory Coast and Ghana, the world's largest growers, are heading for warehouses in Europe, possibly easing a shortage that drove prices higher, said Andreas Christiansen, the managing director at the supplier Hamburg Cocoa and Commodity Office.

In the week that ended on July 13, net-long positions held by hedge-fund managers and other large speculators in New York cocoa futures dropped for the first time in three weeks. "Speculative froth is leaving the market," Carsten Fritsch, an analyst with Commerzbank in Frankfurt, told Bloomberg. Last week's 5.6 per cent rally was "largely speculator driven", he said. There are few speculators more active than Mr Ward. According to reports in the British press, the hedge-fund manager specialises in cocoa investing and recently loaded up on 241,000 tonnes of cocoa beans.

Unlike most commodity investors, who deal in contracts and not the underlying product, he actually took delivery of the beans and now reportedly holds enough to manufacture 5.3 billion quarter-pound chocolate bars. The beans are believed to be stored in warehouses around London and other UK cities. Market observers suspect he is stockpiling beans to force the price up. * with Bloomberg

Coming soon

Torno Subito by Massimo Bottura

When the W Dubai – The Palm hotel opens at the end of this year, one of the highlights will be Massimo Bottura’s new restaurant, Torno Subito, which promises “to take guests on a journey back to 1960s Italy”. It is the three Michelinstarred chef’s first venture in Dubai and should be every bit as ambitious as you would expect from the man whose restaurant in Italy, Osteria Francescana, was crowned number one in this year’s list of the World’s 50 Best Restaurants.

Akira Back Dubai

Another exciting opening at the W Dubai – The Palm hotel is South Korean chef Akira Back’s new restaurant, which will continue to showcase some of the finest Asian food in the world. Back, whose Seoul restaurant, Dosa, won a Michelin star last year, describes his menu as,  “an innovative Japanese cuisine prepared with a Korean accent”.

Dinner by Heston Blumenthal

The highly experimental chef, whose dishes are as much about spectacle as taste, opens his first restaurant in Dubai next year. Housed at The Royal Atlantis Resort & Residences, Dinner by Heston Blumenthal will feature contemporary twists on recipes that date back to the 1300s, including goats’ milk cheesecake. Always remember with a Blumenthal dish: nothing is quite as it seems. 

What it means to be a conservationist

Who is Enric Sala?

Enric Sala is an expert on marine conservation and is currently the National Geographic Society's Explorer-in-Residence. His love of the sea started with his childhood in Spain, inspired by the example of the legendary diver Jacques Cousteau. He has been a university professor of Oceanography in the US, as well as working at the Spanish National Council for Scientific Research and is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy. He has dedicated his life to protecting life in the oceans. Enric describes himself as a flexitarian who only eats meat occasionally.

What is biodiversity?

According to the United Nations Environment Programme, all life on earth – including in its forests and oceans – forms a “rich tapestry of interconnecting and interdependent forces”. Biodiversity on earth today is the product of four billion years of evolution and consists of many millions of distinct biological species. The term ‘biodiversity’ is relatively new, popularised since the 1980s and coinciding with an understanding of the growing threats to the natural world including habitat loss, pollution and climate change. The loss of biodiversity itself is dangerous because it contributes to clean, consistent water flows, food security, protection from floods and storms and a stable climate. The natural world can be an ally in combating global climate change but to do so it must be protected. Nations are working to achieve this, including setting targets to be reached by 2020 for the protection of the natural state of 17 per cent of the land and 10 per cent of the oceans. However, these are well short of what is needed, according to experts, with half the land needed to be in a natural state to help avert disaster.

The biog

Job: Fitness entrepreneur, body-builder and trainer

Favourite superhero: Batman

Favourite quote: We must become the change we want to see, by Mahatma Gandhi.

Favourite car: Lamborghini

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