Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gestures prior to delivering his speech at a public gathering during his provincial tour in the city of Qazvin about 140km west of Tehran.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gestures prior to delivering his speech at a public gathering during his provincial tour in the city of Qazvin about 140km west of Tehran.

Ahmadinejad: Khamenei's unruly protégé

Iran's ambitious president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, often proclaims that there are only two major world powers now: his country and the United States. And Iran, he predicted in a recent interview with state television, would gain overall supremacy within 15 years.

Populist yet authoritarian, the quixotic, polarising and unpredictable son of a village jack-of-all-trades has been accused of many things during his turbulent five years in office. Lacking self-confidence is not one of them.

When he first took office in 2005, his declared ambition was to revive the revolutionary spirit that infused the country after the establishment of the Islamic Republic in 1979. That spirit, he said, had waned during the tenure of his reformist predecessor, Mohammed Khatami.

Today, analysts say, he views himself as nothing less than an historic leader who will restore Iran to the ranks of a world superpower as it was during the Persian Empire, even as it spreads the message of Islam worldwide.

In the coming months, Mr Ahmadinejad, 54, will need all the self-confidence and sense of mission he can muster to address the challenges he faces at home and abroad.

Tehran is due on December 5 to resume long-stalled nuclear talks with six world powers, led by the United States. If the talks fail, US or Israeli military action is possible.

The prospects for a peaceful resolution to this stand-off are bleak, and opponents of the president underestimate the diminutive Mr Ahmadinejad - he is 1.62 metres tall - at their peril. He insisted last week that Iran would not discuss its nuclear programme and would only talk about resolving "international problems" to help bring global peace and security.

Domestically, his government is scheduled later this month to start slashing food and fuel subsidies, which many low-income Iranians regard as their birthright. It is a bold move for a populist like Mr Ahmadinejad, whose management of Iran's oil-rich economy has been widely criticised.

He claims the cuts will improve the lives of the nation's poor, the main source of the political support that led him to win by a landslide five years ago. But any backlash over rising prices may be far more difficult to contain than the unrest that followed Mr Ahmadinejad's disputed election victory last year.

Certainly, Mr Ahmadinejad tries to lead by example. Married with two children, he prides himself on leading an austere life. When he came to power, he revealed that he drove a battered Peugeot and insisted in receiving dignitaries at his modest office, ending the practice of welcoming them at the ousted Shah's marbled palace in northern Tehran.

He is also a workaholic who is said to survive on just four hours of sleep. More than once, he has been hospitalised with exhaustion, his aides admitted two years ago.

For all his dedication to the job, however, no president in the history of the Islamic Republic - he is the sixth - has been as divisive as Mr Ahmadinejad.

Even before last year's election, he had "failed to transform his populism into any form of democratic legitimacy", noted Dr Ali Ansari, an Iran expert at St Andrews University in Scotland.

For the time being, pressure by Iran's security forces and intelligence services has neutralised the threat from reformist politicians and millions of ordinary Iranians angry about last year's election. His regime is threatened more by disagreements with fellow conservatives, some of whom acknowledge that he has been useful in emasculating the reform movement that flourished under Mr Khatami but believe his foreign policy has been recklessly aggressive, pointing to United Nations Security Council sanctions over Iran's nuclear programme.

More importantly, they say he is trying to monopolise power in the presidency, riding roughshod over the parliament and other conservative-dominated power centres.

Mr Ahmadinejad has also alienated many of Iran's clerical elite. Some ayatollahs were angered by his crackdown on reformists and fear that he is strengthening the Revolutionary Guards at their expense.

Other, more hard-line clerics, are suspicious of some of his social policies. In his first term, their uproar made him back off a plan to allow women spectators into football stadiums. Last year, they were angered when he appointed three women to his cabinet, one of whom won parliamentary approval.

Clerics and fellow conservatives also have lambasted Mr Ahmadinejad for his steadfast support of his controversial chief of staff, Esfandiar Mashaie, the father-in-law of his eldest son. Mr Mashaie recently infuriated hard-liners by speaking of an "Iranian school of thought" rather than an Islamic one, which angered many clerics because the term smacked of secular nationalism.

Iran scholars believe Mr Ahmadinejad's self-confidence is delusional. They are unsure how serious he is when he declares that Iran, where jails are packed with political dissidents, journalists and students, "is the freest country in the world".

Or when he claims that America is a dying power and he will be a global peacemaker in a fairer, new world order led by Iran and other emerging powers. It is almost as if he lives in a "parallel universe", Dr Ansari of St Andrews University said.

Recalling his first speech before the UN General Assembly in 2005, Mr Ahmadinejad claimed that a halo-like celestial green light descended on him as he addressed world leaders who, he said, sat transfixed for 30 minutes as he spoke. His opponents have long used this recollection to portray him as a hallucinating zealot who believes he has a divine mission.

Indeed, much of Mr Ahmadinejad's combative rhetoric seems to stem from his conviction that the 12th Shiite Imam will soon return to Earth to redress the world's problems. This Messianic world view, analysts say, animates many of his decisions.

He is highly unpredictable, too. A year ago, Mr Ahmadinejad appeared to back a uranium fuel-swap deal with the West but backed off when his conservative opponents attacked it. He also has sent mixed messages to Washington. Aware that better ties with the "Great Satan" would be popular at home, he congratulated Barack Obama, the US president, after his 2008 election. But at a meeting of the UN General Assembly in September, he infuriated Americans by suggesting that the US government was responsible for the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Such grandstanding, however, has alienated most Arab governments, which have long been wary of Iran's regional ambitions and are sceptical of Mr Ahmadinejad's insistence that Iran's nuclear programme is solely peaceful.

Ultimately, Mr Ahmadinejad's political survival depends on continued support from Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. There have long been rumours of friction between the zealot cleric and the layman president, but the Ayatollah effectively tied his fortunes to his unruly protégé when he publicly gave Mr Ahmadinejad's disputed re-election last year his seal of approval.

So even if Ayatollah Khamenei wants a more flexible domestic and foreign policy - and there are no indications he does - he is unlikely to say so before Mr Ahmadinejad's successor takes office in 2013.

During a recent visit to Qom, the supreme leader staunchly backed his president. An analyst in Tehran, who declined to be identified because of the sensitivity of the subject, observed: "This was a sign that Khamenei approves of Ahmadinejad's aggressive anti-American, anti-British and anti-Israeli foreign policy and his uncompromising stance on the nuclear issue."

How much public support Mr Ahmadinejad has after five years in office is impossible to determine. While huge crowds gather for his public appearances - much of them bussed in, his opponents say - there have been no independent opinion surveys in more than a year.

His legacy is uncertain, too. His anti-American and anti-Israeli rhetoric have impressed many in the Middle East and Muslim world. His tough stance on the nuclear issue, meanwhile, has saddled Iran with economic sanctions and exposed it to the threat of military action.

Domestically, he has done what many thought was once impossible: stuffing the genie of political liberalisation that flourished under Mr Khatami back into the bottle. For most Iranians, however, an assessment of his rule will depend on whether he delivers on his promises to boost their standard of living. That verdict will come well before is second term ends.

Is it worth it? We put cheesecake frap to the test.

The verdict from the nutritionists is damning. But does a cheesecake frappuccino taste good enough to merit the indulgence?

My advice is to only go there if you have unusually sweet tooth. I like my puddings, but this was a bit much even for me. The first hit is a winner, but it's downhill, slowly, from there. Each sip is a little less satisfying than the last, and maybe it was just all that sugar, but it isn't long before the rush is replaced by a creeping remorse. And half of the thing is still left.

The caramel version is far superior to the blueberry, too. If someone put a full caramel cheesecake through a liquidiser and scooped out the contents, it would probably taste something like this. Blueberry, on the other hand, has more of an artificial taste. It's like someone has tried to invent this drink in a lab, and while early results were promising, they're still in the testing phase. It isn't terrible, but something isn't quite right either.

So if you want an experience, go for a small, and opt for the caramel. But if you want a cheesecake, it's probably more satisfying, and not quite as unhealthy, to just order the real thing.




Engine: 4-litre V8 twin-turbo
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Price: From Dh599,000
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Saudi Arabia

Joy: Delivers car services with affordable prices

Karaz: Helps diabetics with gamification, IoT and real-time data

Medicarri: Medical marketplace that connects clinics with suppliers

Mod5r: Makes automated and recurring investments to grow wealth

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Eighty6: Marketplace for restaurant and supplier procurements

FarmUnboxed: Helps digitise international food supply chain

NutriCal: Helps F&B businesses and governments with nutritional analysis

Wellxai: Provides insurance that enables and rewards user habits


Amwal: A Shariah-compliant crowd-lending platform

Deben: Helps CFOs manage cash efficiently

Egab: Connects media outlets to journalists in hard-to-reach areas for exclusives

Neqabty: Digitises financial and medical services of labour unions


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The specs

Engine: 2.0-litre 4cyl turbo
Power: 261hp at 5,500rpm
Torque: 400Nm at 1,750-4,000rpm
Transmission: 7-speed dual-clutch auto
Fuel consumption: 10.5L/100km
On sale: Now
Price: From Dh129,999 (VX Luxury); from Dh149,999 (VX Black Gold)

The five stages of early child’s play

From Dubai-based clinical psychologist Daniella Salazar:

1. Solitary Play: This is where Infants and toddlers start to play on their own without seeming to notice the people around them. This is the beginning of play.

2. Onlooker play: This occurs where the toddler enjoys watching other people play. There doesn’t necessarily need to be any effort to begin play. They are learning how to imitate behaviours from others. This type of play may also appear in children who are more shy and introverted.

3. Parallel Play: This generally starts when children begin playing side-by-side without any interaction. Even though they aren’t physically interacting they are paying attention to each other. This is the beginning of the desire to be with other children.

4. Associative Play: At around age four or five, children become more interested in each other than in toys and begin to interact more. In this stage children start asking questions and talking about the different activities they are engaging in. They realise they have similar goals in play such as building a tower or playing with cars.

5. Social Play: In this stage children are starting to socialise more. They begin to share ideas and follow certain rules in a game. They slowly learn the definition of teamwork. They get to engage in basic social skills and interests begin to lead social interactions.

Profile Idealz

Company: Idealz

Founded: January 2018

Based: Dubai

Sector: E-commerce

Size: (employees): 22

Investors: Co-founders and Venture Partners (9 per cent)

The specs

Engine: four-litre V6 and 3.5-litre V6 twin-turbo

Transmission: six-speed and 10-speed

Power: 271 and 409 horsepower

Torque: 385 and 650Nm

Price: from Dh229,900 to Dh355,000

Last-16 Europa League fixtures

Wednesday (Kick-offs UAE)

FC Copenhagen (0) v Istanbul Basaksehir (1) 8.55pm

Shakhtar Donetsk (2) v Wolfsburg (1) 8.55pm

Inter Milan v Getafe (one leg only) 11pm

Manchester United (5) v LASK (0) 11pm 


Bayer Leverkusen (3) v Rangers (1) 8.55pm

Sevilla v Roma  (one leg only)  8.55pm

FC Basel (3) v Eintracht Frankfurt (0) 11pm 

Wolves (1) Olympiakos (1) 11pm 


Director: Rajesh A Krishnan

Starring: Tabu, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Kriti Sanon

Rating: 3.5/5



