The rare solar eclipse that delighted star-gazers on Thursday morning sparked plenty of activity on social media, including a spectacular video posted by Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammad, the Crown Prince of Dubai. Never one to shy away from Instagram posting about his active daily life, Sheikh Hamdan shared a stunning video of his view of the once-in-a-lifetime celestial event. Astronomers and early risers were treated to the solar eclipse just after 7.30am, the first ‘ring of fire’ visible in the UAE since 1847. A short film of the event was posted by the Crown Prince on his @faz3 page and have been liked close to 250,000 times by his followers The 22-second clip shows the sun and moon rising simultaneously until the moon passes across the centre of the sun, leaving only a ring of light visible. Photos of the eclipse from different angles were also shared alongside the caption: “Rare Annular solar eclipse was seen today in #UAE Last occurred 172 years ago in the #UAE and the next one will happen in 83 years!!”