USA's Phil Mickelson is congratulated by the gallery after winning his match against Europe at the Ryder Cup golf tournament at the Valhalla Golf Club, in Louisville, Ky., Friday, Sept. 19, 2008.  (AP Photo/David J. Phillip) *** Local Caption ***  RCG264_Ryder_Cup_Golf.jpg
USA's Phil Mickelson is congratulated by the gallery after squeezing home by one hole in his fourball match.

Mickelson rises to the challenge

Opinion was divided during the build-up to the 37th Ryder Cup regarding the "Tiger Factor". Would the injury-enforced absence of the world No 1 Tiger Woods from the Valhalla showdown work to the advantage of the home team or prove to be a decisive weakness?

The evidence after an enthralling first day, which went emphatically in favour of Paul Azinger's men is that the States look more united this time than they have in recent times on their way to defeats in five of the previous six matches. Nobody stepped into the void of Woods better than Phil Mickelson, the world No 2 who assumed the role of Azinger's unofficial team leader when it became known that Tiger's damaged knee would not heal in time.

Out of sorts on previous unproductive appearances against Europe, Mickelson was a man inspired as the biennial event roared into life on Friday and he performed in the same manner as Colin Montgomerie has in setting an impressive standard over a decade for his European colleagues to follow. Mickelson's status as his nation's top player behind Woods gave him the right to pick his own partner and he clearly chose well in Anthony Kim, the most exciting of the six American rookies. Azinger, expecting Europe to send their finest, Padraig Harrington, as the lead-off, sent them out first in both foursomes and fourballs - a strategy which was amply rewarded.

Each time Harrington and his respective partners Robert Karlsson and Graeme McDowell, started strongly but every time Mickelson and his young colleague fought back, firstly to secure a battling half and then to squeeze home by one hole in a fluctuating fourball which represented a significant flagship victory for the Americans. Mickelson's heroics at the top of the order was the catalyst for the US to roar into a precious 5½-2½ overnight lead - the first time they had held an advantage at that stage since 1995 - but the left-handed genius was cautious about celebrating too much too soon.

"We know tomorrow's going to be a tough day and we know that the Europeans are going to come out fighting - they always do," said a highly contented Mickelson. "They're going to play some of their best golf in the morning and in all the matches so far they've been getting off to great starts. "So we're just going to have to keep doing what we're doing, fight hard, keep the matches close and see if we can pull it out of the bag in the end."

Azinger, a well-satisfied captain, was also anxious to guard against complacency. "Well, clearly we haven't led at this stage in a long time, so we're really happy about that," he said. "We also know how good Europe are, so we're just going to try to get a nice rest and go out and play well tomorrow. "We're in a happy spot. I mean, it's better than it being the other way, that's for sure. But like I said, we're not even to the halfway point yet. It's not a sprint; it's a marathon."

Faldo put on a brave face in what for recent European captains is an unfamiliar position. "We had a very tough start," he said. "But my guys gave 100 per cent. "It is not just the games which turn, but also the emotions. You have to regroup and go again, but everybody is up for it."

UAE squad

Rohan Mustafa (captain), Ashfaq Ahmed, Ghulam Shabber, Rameez Shahzad, Mohammed Boota, Mohammed Usman, Adnan Mufti, Shaiman Anwar, Ahmed Raza, Imran Haider, Qadeer Ahmed, Mohammed Naveed, Amir Hayat, Zahoor Khan

In numbers: China in Dubai

The number of Chinese people living in Dubai: An estimated 200,000

Number of Chinese people in International City: Almost 50,000

Daily visitors to Dragon Mart in 2018/19: 120,000

Daily visitors to Dragon Mart in 2010: 20,000

Percentage increase in visitors in eight years: 500 per cent

Keep it fun and engaging

Stuart Ritchie, director of wealth advice at AES International, says children cannot learn something overnight, so it helps to have a fun routine that keeps them engaged and interested.

“I explain to my daughter that the money I draw from an ATM or the money on my bank card doesn’t just magically appear – it’s money I have earned from my job. I show her how this works by giving her little chores around the house so she can earn pocket money,” says Mr Ritchie.

His daughter is allowed to spend half of her pocket money, while the other half goes into a bank account. When this money hits a certain milestone, Mr Ritchie rewards his daughter with a small lump sum.

He also recommends books that teach the importance of money management for children, such as The Squirrel Manifesto by Ric Edelman and Jean Edelman.

Paris Agreement

Article 14

1. [The Cop] shall periodically take stock of the implementation of this Agreement to assess the collective progress towards achieving the purpose of this Agreement and its long-term goals (referred to as the "global stocktake")

2. [The Cop] shall undertake its first global stocktake in 2023 and every five years thereafter