The extremist group ISIS on Wednesday named its new leader, Abu Al Hasan Al Hashimi Al Qurayshi, a month after its previous leader blew himself up during a US raid. A statement from the group only revealed the man's nom de guerre and confirmed the death of his predecessor. The group's late leader, Muhammad Al Mawla, also known as <a href="">Abu Ibrahim Al Hashimi Al Qurayshi</a>, died in Syria on February 3. Al Mawla, 45, lasted only two years in the post after succeeding long-time leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi in 2019. Al Baghdadi also detonated a suicide vest during a US raid. Al Qurayshi, an Iraqi, has never publicly addressed his fighters or followers, has avoided electronic communications and oversaw a move to fighting in small, devolved units in response to intense pressure from Iraqi and US-led forces.