No matter how it's delivered, all Shisha smoke has harmful side effects, a reader says. ( Pawan Singh / The National )
No matter how it's delivered, all Shisha smoke has harmful side effects, a reader says. ( Pawan Singh / The National )

Coal fire is the shisha culprit

More education needed to help stop rent scams

Thank you for the tips included in Felicity Glover's article, When renting in the UAE make sure you get what you pay for (September 21).

These are basic business rules for signing a contract but we often neglect to follow them. That could be because the UAE has a reputation for fair dealing and people don't expect to be duped.

The recent rental scam in Dubai has not only left a group of people high and dry, it has left a very bad taste in the mouths of UAE residents in general. The culprit needs to be brought to justice as soon as possible.

I just wish the Real Estate Regulatory Agency hadn't washed its hands of the issue with a "we told you so" attitude. It would achieve a lot more by educating prospective tenants and buyers.

B Verma, Dubai

In one case I am aware of, not only have the developers delayed handovers, they have reneged on the size of the property delivered.

If you go to Rera, you get no help and no support. Its legal section says that you can't do anything about it.

S Deep, Dubai

Singh's retail plan is good for India

Regarding Singh outflanks a divided opposition (September 24), the Indian Government has taken a timely decision to allow foreign direct investment in the retail trade to increase the growth of the economy.

Notwithstanding the political storm that it has generated, prime minister Manmohan Singh has shown laudable determination to move forward with this economic measure, come what ßmay.

The world economy is going through tough times. High fiscal deficit, low growth and price rises are forcing the people living in even some of the more developed countries to tighten their belts.

In India, too, the common man will definitely have to bear the brunt of the new measures in the short term.

Foreign direct investment in the retail sector will increase business activity, resulting in economic growth. It will do the maximum good for farmers, producers and consumers.

There will be scope for both big and small retail traders to flourish.

Instead of taking a united stand in the national interest, the opposition parties are busy inexploiting the situation and misleading the people for political gain.

They will soon have to answer to the people for their irresponsible behaviour.

Muneer Ahmad, India

Selfish drivers a danger to us all

Regarding More tickets but fewer crashed on E11 (September 24), this week, in the middle of busy morning traffic on Sheihk Zayed Road, my wife and son were nearly run off the road by a selfish driver.

He proceeded to flash his lights at everyone, drive on their bumpers, and push in between the guard rail and inside lane.

In every society, every culture, every city there are selfish people who care only for themselves and not for those around them, not even their own families.

Rich MacLaren, Dubai

The quote by Dr Tawfiq Al Tamimi, "I think here we need more police patrols", is very sensible.

I hope all government officials will listen to him.

James Donato, Dubai

Recycling scheme must be a priority

I'm am writing in response to Recycling drive as Dubai runs out of landfill space to dump rubbish (September 23).

Dubai and the other emirates should take immediate steps towards reducing waste generation.

There is also an urgent need for appropriate recycling procedures to be adopted by governments and residents alike.

F Sunail, Dubai

It's beyond my understanding why there is no recycling programme already in progress. H Cothron, Abu Dhabi

Coal the cause of hookah harm

I think there is some misinformation about the"healthy hookah" described in A healthier puff (September 24).

While tobacco is never good for you, conventional shishas work through evaporation. It isn't actually smoke they emit, but steam.

While there is nicotine and some other harmful substances in the steam, the real harm comes from the coal fire. This makes shisha much more harmful than cigarettes and cigars.

Using coal creates not just harmless carbon dioxide but also carbon monoxide. Even in very small quantities, this harms cells in the lungs.

I believe this new shisha will still be harmful, as it doesn't address the main threat - the heat element. I guess "electric coals" would be the perfect solution, but only low-quality ones are available at the moment.

DM Schachtsiek, Dubai


Name: Ejari
Based: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Founders: Yazeed Al Shamsi, Fahad Albedah, Mohammed Alkhelewy and Khalid Almunif
Sector: PropTech
Total funding: $1 million
Investors: Sanabil 500 Mena, Hambro Perks' Oryx Fund and angel investors
Number of employees: 8