Netflix has released the extended official trailer for <em>Jinn</em>, its first Middle East original series. The show follows a group of Arab high school students in present-day Amman, who unknowingly invite the forces of a vengeful Jinn in the form of a seemingly normal teenage boy during a school trip to the ancient city of Petra. A thriller series, as the jinn get stronger and the lines between good and evil blur in the series and the group of friends don’t know who to trust. <em>Jinn</em>'s first series is made up of five 30 to 45-minute episodes, and is set to premiere on June 13. Filmed in Arabic, the series will be available in 26 languages. The five-episode production is produced by Kabreet Productions and directed by Mir-Jean Bou Chaaya (<em>Very Big Shot</em>) and Amin Matalqa, and stars Salma Malhas, Hamzeh Okab, Sultan Alkhail and Aysha Shahaltough. <em>'Jinn' will be available to stream from June 13 at <a href=""></a></em> <strong>_____________</strong> <strong>Read more</strong> <strong><a href="">Mohammed Saeed Harib's 'Rashid & Rajab' premieres in Dubai</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Director Maryam Touzani on her taboo-busting film ‘Adam'</a></strong> <strong><a href="">'Long live Egypt': 'Aladdin' star Mena Massoud’s message for Egyptians</a></strong> <strong>_____________</strong>