Aravind Adiga accepts the 2008 Booker Prize for his novel The White Tiger, only one of a handful of new Indian novels whose vision is notably stark and cynical.
Aravind Adiga accepts the 2008 Booker Prize for his novel The White Tiger, only one of a handful of new Indian novels whose vision is notably stark and cynical.

A new bend in the river

Having moved beyond postcolonialism and a welter of sari-and-mango novels, Indian literature has struck out into darker, messier terrain, Rana Dasgupta writes. Is this the new lore of an agonised nation? Novels and nations are linked by an intimate kind of analogy. If nations are the stage on which modern life and feeling unfold, novels are the form in which these things are recounted, understood and turned, finally, into lore. Such is the apparent scale and ambition of modern life that no smaller treatment than the novel will finally match up - not even cinema, which, for all its protean vitality, has never quite displaced the novel from the pinnacle of modern cultural achievement.

This is why emerging nations strive to beget great novels. During the years of America's rise, for instance, the project of the "great American novel" was conscious and determined. Industry alone would not make the United States great: to grow beyond Europe it needed to match Flaubert and Tolstoy. In 1897, the novelist Frank Norris wrote that American writers should be focused on the task of creating the novel "which is the most thoroughly American in its tone and most aptly interprets the phases of American life".

The same challenge has continued to define American writing and literary taste ever since. In awarding the 2001 National Book Award to Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections, the jurors explained that the novel had proved Franzen "one of the most astute interpreters of the American mind and spirit". Such formulations understate the game, of course: for novels are not mere "interpretation", following on from reality. Novels generate the reality too, for nations are great empty abstractions before they are filled up with stories. This is why emerging nations need them so much - why they encourage, reward and fete them. And they keep on needing them: dynamic nations constantly outgrow existing accounts and images, and novels are important engines for the new. America continues to grant its greatest novelists a far more august position than is the case in, say, Britain - for America is a self-consciously "created" nation and it is in large part because of its novels that it has become intelligible, even to itself. In the long project of America, the great nation and the great novel have been cogged in a continual cycle of mutual creation and nourishment.

All this will help explain why the Booker Prizes won by Salman Rushdie in 1981 and Arundhati Roy in 1997 were such significant cultural events in an India that had not managed until that point to export any novel that could compete with those written about it by imperial outsiders. Both these literary achievements were touted, even by people who could not or would not ever read them, as stages in the emergence of a mature and "confident" nation that had not only put colonialism behind it but was now able to produce literature superior to that of the former colonial masters themselves - and in their own language.

Rushdie's novel Midnight's Children was, in an overt sense, a creation myth for the nation, its children born at born at midnight on 15th August 1947, the nation's zero hour. It sat comfortably atop India's history and drew on a great depth of its myth and religion, but it also fielded smart-talking modern characters who lived among film and advertising; moreover it presented all this with a startling new language and sensibility that seemed to be a fundamental innovation, not only for Indian writing, but for the English-language novel in general.

Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things was a quieter enterprise whose small-town story nevertheless unfurled into an account of the wider nation and indeed of relations with the former colonial power. An exquisite osmosis of Indian feeling and landscape, Roy's novel depicted a world that was replete with pain but nonetheless fully "independent": comprehensible on its own terms and complete in itself. A linguistic tour de force, the book took Indian speech as a central theme and worked it into a new and dazzling poetry - and convinced many that the new centre of English-language literature had shifted to the subcontinent.

In a way, however, Roy's literary project was so perfectly and comprehensively realised that it signalled the end of a line. A colossal commercial success, The God of Small Things was followed by a large number of sari-and-mango novels with brooding trans-generational dramas delivered in monsoon-drenched prose. But as the 21st century arrived, it felt as if the urgency of such novels was already fading away. Indian politics was dominated by the aggressive nationalism of the ruling Hindu-right coalition; moreover there was, everywhere, a stupefying frenzy of moneymaking, and the place was quickly ceasing to be "postcolonial." Indian commercial might and ambition had reached such proportions that the country's industrialists were buying up iconic western assets - Arcelor, Corus, Jaguar Land Rover. What was the need, anymore, to insist on the dignity and depth of Indian feeling, or the unapologetic exuberance of Indian speech? As Arundhati Roy herself left behind novel-writing to campaign against the more brutal excesses of the new economy, the fragrant lyricism of 1990s Indian fiction had come to seem disingenuously meek.

Not only this, but the feudal certainties of much of this writing had come under serious threat. India's English-language writers were from the traditional cultural elite, and this was reflected in their lovingly crafted tales of solid houses, upper-class lineage and steadfast servants. But in turn-of-the-century India this perspective looked parochial. The Hindu-right government drew much of its support from communities that the anglicised classes could barely imagine. Other swelling forces - such as Maoist insurgency or Islamic terrorism - were still more remote from their experience. Even the reins of business were being seized by provincials who might speak little English but who effortlessly outclassed traditional elites in the hustle of 21st-century Indian commerce. The group to which English-language writers belonged was everywhere on the back foot and they were suddenly aware of how marginal they were to the country's main preoccupations and affairs.

It is perhaps for these reasons that the English-language writers have found themselves taking very new directions in the last few years. It is often when older models are exhausted that the most striking things occur. Gone, now, are the family sagas, the colourful celebrations of Indian language and sentiment. Gone is the slow accumulation of decades and centuries. The new Indian novel is starker in style, it is not much preoccupied by culture or the seasons, and its story is compressed into a few weeks or months. It is concerned not to enquire after the essence of a formerly colonised place, but to ask sharper, more troubled, eminently metropolitan questions: how do all the radically different parts of this reality fit together, who is in control of it and what does it mean?

Paradoxically, since these novels are written in English, their English-speaking characters are no longer in possession of Indian truth. They may still be the protagonists, but events must force them out of their orbits if they are to discover anything real - for reality is produced by other groups and classes. The aristocratic narrator of Aatish Taseer's novel The Temple Goers (2010) only hears about the turbulent reality outside his sheltered serenity when he switches on his TV; he says wistfully, considering his muscular fitness instructor from the provinces:

"His versatility was like a confirmation of how authentic and robust his world was. His Delhi was a city of temples and gyms, of rich and poor people, of Bentleys and bicycles, of government flats and mansions, of hookers and heiresses, and he asserted his nativity by moving freely between its varied lives." The plots of these novels seek to access this mobility and versatility, and to escape the besiegement - real or imagined - of contemporary anglicised life. They are built, thriller-like, around unlikely moments of convergence, when many things come together and suddenly it is possible to see an unfamiliar host of jostling, interconnected worlds.

At the centre of Vikas Swarup's Q&A (the source for the film Slumdog Millionaire) is a poor orphan who enters a television quiz show and wins a fortune when the questions turn out to have been foreshadowed by events in his own life. For Swarup, this unlikely triumph is less significant than the structure of the quiz show: for each increase in prize money, the main character is forced to delve into the most traumatic episodes of his own past and that of the nation - a moving paradox that captures something fascinating about contemporary Indian ambition and success.

In a similar vein, the five men put on trial for plotting the death of a Delhi magazine editor in Tarun Tejpal's The Story of My Assassins (2009) provide a means for the author to tell us five detailed, harrowing stories of working-class life. Aravind Adiga's The White Tiger, which won the Booker Prize in 2008, uses a chauffeured car to bring rural underclass and elite together and to explore the worlds of both; his upcoming novel will travel through the many kinds of existence affected by real estate sharks' attempts to demolish a Mumbai apartment block and the adjacent slum. The stories in Mridula Koshy's If It Is Sweet (2009) often revolve around moments when classes come together - domestic labour, emergencies or chance urban encounters - in order to discover the things that make partial realities more complete. In another short story collection, Palash Krishna Mehrotra's Eunuch Park (2009), middle-class characters are taken out of their normal lives by crime or drug-use to encounter a great world they have little inkling of.

What kind of Indian reality emerges from this new fiction? It is almost unremittingly dark. Earlier novels from India were tenebrous too - inequality, violence and misogyny have been constant themes - but in novels like The God of Small Things these things were redeemed by the sensitivity of author and characters, the beauty of the world and the fundamental meaningfulness of life. Literary fiction of the last five years is far more cynical, for in it finer feelings have all but died out and pretty much everything is meaningless. Power mongers and businesspeople are unsentimental and terrifying; their relationships and intellects are crippled. The majority of society lives precariously amid violence and exploitation, and it must kill and manipulate to survive. There is not even any room for moral judgement because the world is so sick - and its protagonists, spiritually lost, have no comment on the terrifying reality they discover. Respite and tenderness are found rarely and usually, as in Koshy's and Mehrotra's collections, in uncanny, provisional relationships.

The masterpiece of this new current in Indian fiction has still to be written, but its ambition could not be greater. It is entirely true that, for many affluent people in the cities, contemporary India is little more than a bundle of alienating, inhuman rumours, one that has no internal coherence and little obvious connection - except as a possible menace - to their own lives. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that they have so little objection to the pillaging that Indian businesses are carrying out in their name: the dispossession (and worse) of farmers and tribal communities is so remote for them as to be entirely unsubstantial. So telling big stories - connecting the rumours together and giving them human content - is an important task for contemporary Indian novelists. These writers are not particularly concerned anymore by their country's colonised past: they are preoccupied instead by its expanding, imperial future, and they are looking to find meaning and direction for the whole careening, tormented joyride. Novels can be effective laboratories for this kind of work - it was a precisely similar quest that inspired Dickens, Balzac and indeed Saul Bellow - and we might see some very great novels from India in the next few years. Not novels of empty patriotism or "nation-building". Novels that help to generate the full and coherent reality whose absence is currently so sapping to this society's life and spirit.

Rana Dasgupta's first novel, Tokyo Cancelled, was shortlisted for the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize. His second, Solo, was published last this year. He lives in Delhi.

Company Profile

Name: Direct Debit System
Started: Sept 2017
Based: UAE with a subsidiary in the UK
Industry: FinTech
Funding: Undisclosed
Investors: Elaine Jones
Number of employees: 8


Name: Akeed

Based: Muscat

Launch year: 2018

Number of employees: 40

Sector: Online food delivery

Funding: Raised $3.2m since inception

Our legal consultant

Name: Hassan Mohsen Elhais

Position: legal consultant with Al Rowaad Advocates and Legal Consultants

Company Profile

Company name: Cargoz
Date started: January 2022
Founders: Premlal Pullisserry and Lijo Antony
Based: Dubai
Number of staff: 30
Investment stage: Seed

Navdeep Suri, India's Ambassador to the UAE

There has been a longstanding need from the Indian community to have a religious premises where they can practise their beliefs. Currently there is a very, very small temple in Bur Dubai and the community has outgrown this. So this will be a major temple and open to all denominations and a place should reflect India’s diversity.

It fits so well into the UAE’s own commitment to tolerance and pluralism and coming in the year of tolerance gives it that extra dimension.

What we will see on April 20 is the foundation ceremony and we expect a pretty broad cross section of the Indian community to be present, both from the UAE and abroad. The Hindu group that is building the temple will have their holiest leader attending – and we expect very senior representation from the leadership of the UAE.

When the designs were taken to the leadership, there were two clear options. There was a New Jersey model with a rectangular structure with the temple recessed inside so it was not too visible from the outside and another was the Neasden temple in London with the spires in its classical shape. And they said: look we said we wanted a temple so it should look like a temple. So this should be a classical style temple in all its glory.

It is beautifully located - 30 minutes outside of Abu Dhabi and barely 45 minutes to Dubai so it serves the needs of both communities.

This is going to be the big temple where I expect people to come from across the country at major festivals and occasions.

It is hugely important – it will take a couple of years to complete given the scale. It is going to be remarkable and will contribute something not just to the landscape in terms of visual architecture but also to the ethos. Here will be a real representation of UAE’s pluralism.

Coal Black Mornings

Brett Anderson

Little Brown Book Group 

J Street Polling Results

97% of Jewish-Americans are concerned about the rise in anti-Semitism

76% of US Jewish voters believe Donald Trump and his allies in the Republican Party are responsible for a rise in anti-Semitism

74% of American Jews agreed that “Trump and the Maga movement are a threat to Jews in America"

The five pillars of Islam

1. Fasting

2. Prayer

3. Hajj

4. Shahada

5. Zakat


Display: Main – 6.7" FHD+ Dynamic Amoled 2X, 2640 x 1080, 22:9, 425ppi, HDR10+, up to 120Hz; cover – 3/4" Super Amoled, 720 x 748, 306ppi

Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, 4nm, octa-core; Adreno 740 GPU

Memory: 8GB

Capacity: 256/512GB

Platform: Android 13, One UI 5.1.1

Main camera: Dual 12MP ultra-wide (f/2.2) + 12MP wide (f/1.8), OIS

Video: 4K@30/60fps, full-HD@60/240fps, HD@960fps

Front camera: 10MP (f/2.2)

Battery: 3700mAh, 25W fast charging, 15W wireless, 4.5W reverse wireless

Connectivity: 5G; Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.3, NFC (Samsung Pay)


Cards: Nano-SIM + eSIM; no microSD slot

Colours: Cream, graphite, lavender, mint; exclusives – blue, grey, green, yellow

In the box: Flip 4, USB-C-to-USB-C cable

Price: Dh3,899 / Dh4,349


Sunday, January 20
3pm: Jordan v Vietnam at Al Maktoum Stadium, Dubai
6pm: Thailand v China at Hazza bin Zayed Stadium, Al Ain
9pm: Iran v Oman at Mohamed bin Zayed Stadium, Abu Dhabi

Monday, January 21
3pm: Japan v Saudi Arabia at Sharjah Stadium
6pm: Australia v Uzbekistan at Khalifa bin Zayed Stadium, Al Ain
9pm: UAE v Kyrgyzstan at Zayed Sports City Stadium, Abu Dhabi

Tuesday, January 22
5pm: South Korea v Bahrain at Rashid Stadium, Dubai
8pm: Qatar v Iraq at Al Nahyan Stadium, Abu Dhabi

Company profile

Company name: Fasset
Started: 2019
Founders: Mohammad Raafi Hossain, Daniel Ahmed
Based: Dubai
Sector: FinTech
Initial investment: $2.45 million
Current number of staff: 86
Investment stage: Pre-series B
Investors: Investcorp, Liberty City Ventures, Fatima Gobi Ventures, Primal Capital, Wealthwell Ventures, FHS Capital, VN2 Capital, local family offices

Our legal consultant

Name: Dr Hassan Mohsen Elhais

Position: legal consultant with Al Rowaad Advocates and Legal Consultants.


Starring: Lupita Nyong'o, Joseph Quinn, Djimon Hounsou

Director: Michael Sarnoski

Rating: 4/5


Name: Xpanceo

Started: 2018

Founders: Roman Axelrod, Valentyn Volkov

Based: Dubai, UAE

Industry: Smart contact lenses, augmented/virtual reality

Funding: $40 million

Investor: Opportunity Venture (Asia)

The specs

Engine: 77kWh 2 motors
Power: 178bhp
Torque: 410Nm
Range: 402km
Price: Dh,150,000 (estimate)
On sale: TBC


Director: Carla Gutierrez

Starring: Frida Kahlo

Rating: 4/5

Company profile

Date started: May 2022
Founder: Husam Aboul Hosn
Based: DIFC
Sector: FinTech — Innovation Hub
Employees: eight
Stage: pre-seed
Investors: pre-seed funding raised from family and friends earlier this year

UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
Company profile

Company: Wafeq
Started: January 2019
Founder: Nadim Alameddine
Based: Dubai, UAE
software as a service
Funds raised: $3 million
Investors: Raed Ventures and Wamda, among others


Started: 2023
Co-founders: Arto Bendiken and Talal Thabet
Based: Dubai, UAE
Industry: AI
Number of employees: 41
Funding: About $1.7 million
Investors: Self, family and friends

UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets

The Land between Two Rivers: Writing in an Age of Refugees
Tom Sleigh, Graywolf Press

Confirmed bouts (more to be added)

Cory Sandhagen v Umar Nurmagomedov
Nick Diaz v Vicente Luque
Michael Chiesa v Tony Ferguson
Deiveson Figueiredo v Marlon Vera
Mackenzie Dern v Loopy Godinez

Tickets for the August 3 Fight Night, held in partnership with the Department of Culture and Tourism Abu Dhabi, went on sale earlier this month, through and

Milestones on the road to union


October 26: Bahrain withdraws from a proposal to create a federation of nine with the seven Trucial States and Qatar. 

December: Ahmed Al Suwaidi visits New York to discuss potential UN membership.


March 1:  Alex Douglas Hume, Conservative foreign secretary confirms that Britain will leave the Gulf and “strongly supports” the creation of a Union of Arab Emirates.

July 12: Historic meeting at which Sheikh Zayed and Sheikh Rashid make a binding agreement to create what will become the UAE.

July 18: It is announced that the UAE will be formed from six emirates, with a proposed constitution signed. RAK is not yet part of the agreement.

August 6:  The fifth anniversary of Sheikh Zayed becoming Ruler of Abu Dhabi, with official celebrations deferred until later in the year.

August 15: Bahrain becomes independent.

September 3: Qatar becomes independent.

November 23-25: Meeting with Sheikh Zayed and Sheikh Rashid and senior British officials to fix December 2 as date of creation of the UAE.

November 29:  At 5.30pm Iranian forces seize the Greater and Lesser Tunbs by force.

November 30: Despite  a power sharing agreement, Tehran takes full control of Abu Musa. 

November 31: UK officials visit all six participating Emirates to formally end the Trucial States treaties

December 2: 11am, Dubai. New Supreme Council formally elects Sheikh Zayed as President. Treaty of Friendship signed with the UK. 11.30am. Flag raising ceremony at Union House and Al Manhal Palace in Abu Dhabi witnessed by Sheikh Khalifa, then Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi.

December 6: Arab League formally admits the UAE. The first British Ambassador presents his credentials to Sheikh Zayed.

December 9: UAE joins the United Nations.

Company profile

Name: Yodawy
Based: Egypt
Founders: Karim Khashaba, Sherief El-Feky and Yasser AbdelGawad
Total funding: $24.5 million
Investors: Algebra Ventures, Global Ventures, MEVP and Delivery Hero Ventures, among others
Number of employees:


Company name: Klipit

Started: 2022

Founders: Venkat Reddy, Mohammed Al Bulooki, Bilal Merchant, Asif Ahmed, Ovais Merchant

Based: Dubai, UAE

Industry: Digital receipts, finance, blockchain

Funding: $4 million

Investors: Privately/self-funded


Name: DarDoc
Based: Abu Dhabi
Founders: Samer Masri, Keswin Suresh
Sector: HealthTech
Total funding: $800,000
Investors: Flat6Labs, angel investors + Incubated by Hub71, Abu Dhabi's Department of Health
Number of employees: 10


1. Lewis Hamilton (Mercedes) 1hr 32mins 03.897sec

2. Max Verstappen (Red Bull-Honda) at 0.745s

3. Valtteri Bottas (Mercedes) 37.383s

4. Lando Norris (McLaren) 46.466s

5.Sergio Perez (Red Bull-Honda) 52.047s

6. Charles Leclerc (Ferrari) 59.090s

7. Daniel Ricciardo (McLaren) 1:06.004

8. Carlos Sainz Jr (Ferrari) 1:07.100

9. Yuki Tsunoda (AlphaTauri-Honda) 1:25.692

10. Lance Stroll (Aston Martin-Mercedes) 1:26.713,

Queens of the Stone Age

Our legal consultants

Name: Hassan Mohsen Elhais

Position: legal consultant with Al Rowaad Advocates and Legal Consultants.

The burning issue

The internal combustion engine is facing a watershed moment – major manufacturer Volvo is to stop producing petroleum-powered vehicles by 2021 and countries in Europe, including the UK, have vowed to ban their sale before 2040. The National takes a look at the story of one of the most successful technologies of the last 100 years and how it has impacted life in the UAE.

Read part three: the age of the electric vehicle begins

Read part two: how climate change drove the race for an alternative 

Read part one: how cars came to the UAE