A baggage handler who stole two mangoes worth Dh6 at Dubai International Airport has been fined Dh5,000. The Indian man, 27, was convicted of theft by Dubai Criminal Court after he took the fruit from a carton while he was unloading baggage at Terminal 3. The accused previously told police that he took the mangoes because he was thirsty and could not find water. The incident happened in August 2017 but the man was not summoned to police until April last year — after an airport inspector saw the theft on old CCTV footage.<br/> During police questioning, the accused admitted to stealing the fruit and said he had never stolen anything else.<br/> Police searched his room but found nothing.<br/> In court this month, the man denied a charge of theft, saying it was not his intention to steal — only to quench his thirst. He was convicted and fined Dh5,000. He will be deported after he pays the fine but can appeal the verdict within 15 days.