Supporters of Iraqi cleric Moqtada Al Sadr. AFP
Moqtada Al Sadr represents the dysfunction of Iraqi politics

The populist nationalist holds many of the country's political cards, but still not enough of them to end the political stalemate

August 09, 2022, 7:00 AM
The Baghdad Conference for Co-operation and Partnership was held in the Iraqi capital on Saturday. AP Photo
The Baghdad conference itself isn't as important as what follows

Middle East peace will depend on whether its participants build on the goodwill engendered at the Iraq summit

August 30, 2021, 3:51 PM
Adel Abdul Mahdi, Iraq's caretaker prime minister, is one of many Tehran-aligned politicians in the country. Reuters
Iranian response to Suleimani's assassination will be gradual – and Iraq could suffer for it

Instead of simply using military means, Tehran will work the pliant political system in Baghdad to reduce US presence in the country, which could plunge the country into an even deeper crisis

January 07, 2020, 10:05 AM