The idea of subsidising Emirati salaries is a great one, though I don't think it should be seen as a permanent solution (Emirati jobs target 'will fail without subsidies', October 20).
No one expects salaries to reach government levels, but pay should realistically be in line with the cost of living in the UAE.
Eventually, as the Emirati population increases, subsidies will present a heavy burden on Government budgets, perhaps hindering development in other areas.
An alternative approach would be incentives for companies that hire qualified Emiratis and retain them.
Ahmed Al Hashemi, Abu Dhabi
Who will save us from risky drivers?
Another year, another pileup (Speeding drivers in 32-car pile-up, October 19).
Yesterday I saw a man in a white Toyota go speeding by at about 140 kph on a motorway where visibility was reduced to less than 20 car lengths. Who will protect the rest of us from these people?
Donald Glass, Abu Dhabi
Popcorn is really about the butter
Movie munchies (October 19) was fine, but the best reason to eat popcorn is to eat butter. Vegetable oils that are chemically extracted and deodorised are detrimental to health. And butter is fantastic.
Rebecca Lavallee, Abu Dhabi
You keep learning about your kids
Thank you for Travelling with Kids: Trying to make light work of holidays (October 15).
The story reminded me of the first time I packed the car to go see a friend - we took everything.
You do learn from your mistakes, but the next time you travel they're a little older and their needs change and you find yourself making different mistakes. You just get better at improvising and dealing with it. That's what makes it all fun.
Clare Sparks, Germany
Too little notice of ban on babies
I want to state my disappointment at the way my family was treated at the Bu Tinah exhibition mentioned in Shy island bird has rare spot in limelight (September 29).
My wife, two-month-old baby and I travelled from Dubai to see the exhibition, only to be told by security that children under 3 were not allowed in, "in case they cried."
This was in no way communicated in the many adverts on radio and print. Our baby was peacefully asleep in his pushchair and we had his dummy at hand, yet they refused us entry. My wife and I had to take it in turns to stand outside with our baby.
SA, Dubai
Why sell out for the hall of fame?
I refer to the story No surprises with rock hall of fame (October 19).
A rock and roll hall of fame is not "rock and roll" at all. It is the establishment's set-up and I am always surprised by the musicians who sell themselves out to revive their careers for a year.
Frank Burkhardt, Dubai
Writer's columns stir the emotions
I read with much interest the column A Saudi exposé and the people everyone wants to ignore (October 20).
I have never failed to be emotionally stirred every time I read Rym Ghazal's columns. She is an observer with a heart.
Deanna Lee, Abu Dhabi
Story must have been a joke
I would like to know if Dubai offers safer taxis, for a charge (October 18) is a joke.
The idea of having to pay extra for a safe driver is ridiculous.
Andrea Kayruz, Dubai
Two lessons from litter culprit story
I enjoyed the story Police chief enforces the litter of the law (October 20) about the fellow who threw some litter at the police chief's car.
But I find that the story illustrates two related facts: first that littering is an all too common offence, and second that not enough people are punished for committing it.
To break the litter habit, we need more street-corner bins (and they need to be emptied frequently) and also widespread public-education campaigns to make this behaviour socially unacceptable. Campaigns like this take time, but they can change public behaviour.
I remember one advert in a western country on the theme that if everyone made one bit of waste packaging into litter each day, the city would soon be unliveable.
Guy DeMarco, Dubai