November 17, 2019 - Beirut, Lebanon: Thousands of protesters gather on Martyrs' Square to celebrate one month since the beginning of the Lebanese revolution. These protesters take a break and sit down in front of a wall that has been covered by caricature of Lebanon's politicians, including Walid Joumblatt, Michel Aoun, Gebran Bassil, and Saad Hariri.
Des milliers de manifestants celebrent un mois de soulevement populaire sur la Place des Martyrs.

Demonstrators take a break from anti-government protests in front of a wall covered with caricatures of Lebanese politicians, from left, Walid Joumblatt, Michel Aoun, Gebran Bassil and Saad Hariri. ReShow more

Lebanon's president has leverage but his alliance with Hezbollah isn't over

05 January, 2022