<span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-15">Salade d'avocat and soupe d'oignons are among the menu items listed on a chalkboard outside </span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-15">a quaint street-side restaurant in Paris. On a red chair sits a young woman robed in a traditional ivory-coloured South Asian outfit, with a light pink </span><span data-atex-af="Arnhem" data-atex-cfill="Color/Black" data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-fs="Normal" data-atex-st="false" data-atex-track="-15" data-atex-uat="{AppliedLanguage:JElEL0VuZ2xpc2g6IFVTQQ==,BaselineShift:MA==,Capitalization:Tm9ybWFs,CharacterAlignment:QWxpZ25FbUNlbnRlcg==,CharacterDirection:RGVmYXVsdERpcmVjdGlvbg==,CharacterRotation:MA==,DiacriticPosition:T3BlbnR5cGVQb3NpdGlvbkZyb21CYXNlbGluZQ==,DigitsType:RGVmYXVsdERpZ2l0cw==,EndJoin:TWl0ZXJFbmRKb2lu,FillTint:LTE=,GlyphForm:Tm9uZQ==,GradientFillAngle:MA==,GradientFillLength:LTE=,GradientFillStart:MCAw,GradientStrokeAngle:MA==,GradientStrokeLength:LTE=,GradientStrokeStart:MCAw,HorizontalScale:MTAw,Jidori:MA==,Kashidas:RGVmYXVsdEthc2hpZGFz,KentenAlignment:QWxpZ25LZW50ZW5DZW50ZXI=,KentenCharacterSet:Q2hhcmFjdGVySW5wdXQ=,KentenCustomCharacter:,KentenFontSize:LTE=,KentenKind:Tm9uZQ==,KentenOverprintFill:QXV0bw==,KentenOverprintStroke:QXV0bw==,KentenPlacement:MA==,KentenPosition:QWJvdmVSaWdodA==,KentenStrokeTint:LTE=,KentenTint:LTE=,KentenWeight:LTE=,KentenXScale:MTAw,KentenYScale:MTAw,KerningMethod:JElEL01ldHJpY3M=,KerningValue:MWUrMTE=,KeyboardDirection:RGVmYXVsdERpcmVjdGlvbg==,LeadingAki:LTE=,Ligatures:dHJ1ZQ==,MiterLimit:NA==,NoBreak:ZmFsc2U=,OTFContextualAlternate:dHJ1ZQ==,OTFDiscretionaryLigature:ZmFsc2U=,OTFFigureStyle:RGVmYXVsdA==,OTFFraction:ZmFsc2U=,OTFHVKana:ZmFsc2U=,OTFJustificationAlternate:ZmFsc2U=,OTFLocale:dHJ1ZQ==,OTFMark:dHJ1ZQ==,OTFOrdinal:ZmFsc2U=,OTFOverlapSwash:ZmFsc2U=,OTFProportionalMetrics:ZmFsc2U=,OTFRomanItalics:ZmFsc2U=,OTFStretchedAlternate:ZmFsc2U=,OTFStylisticAlternate:ZmFsc2U=,OTFSwash:ZmFsc2U=,OTFTitling:ZmFsc2U=,OverprintFill:ZmFsc2U=,OverprintStroke:ZmFsc2U=,PointSize:OS40,Position:Tm9ybWFs,PositionalForm:Tm9uZQ==,RubyAlignment:UnVieUpJUw==,RubyAutoAlign:dHJ1ZQ==,RubyAutoScaling:ZmFsc2U=,RubyAutoTcyAutoScale:dHJ1ZQ==,RubyAutoTcyDigits:MA==,RubyAutoTcyIncludeRoman:ZmFsc2U=,RubyFontSize:LTE=,RubyOpenTypePro:dHJ1ZQ==,RubyOverhang:ZmFsc2U=,RubyOverprintFill:QXV0bw==,RubyOverprintStroke:QXV0bw==,RubyParentOverhangAmount:UnVieU92ZXJoYW5nT25lUnVieQ==,RubyParentScalingPercent:NjY=,RubyParentSpacing:UnVieVBhcmVudDEyMUFraQ==,RubyPosition:QWJvdmVSaWdodA==,RubyStrokeTint:LTE=,RubyTint:LTE=,RubyType:UGVyQ2hhcmFjdGVyUnVieQ==,RubyWeight:LTE=,RubyXOffset:MA==,RubyXScale:MTAw,RubyYOffset:MA==,RubyYScale:MTAw,ShataiAdjustRotation:ZmFsc2U=,ShataiAdjustTsume:dHJ1ZQ==,ShataiDegreeAngle:NDUwMA==,ShataiMagnification:MA==,Skew:MA==,StrikeThroughGapOverprint:ZmFsc2U=,StrikeThroughGapTint:LTE=,StrikeThroughOffset:LTk5OTk=,StrikeThroughOverprint:ZmFsc2U=,StrikeThroughTint:LTE=,StrikeThroughWeight:LTk5OTk=,StrokeAlignment:T3V0c2lkZUFsaWdubWVudA==,StrokeColor:U3dhdGNoL05vbmU=,StrokeTint:LTE=,StrokeWeight:MQ==,Tatechuyoko:ZmFsc2U=,TatechuyokoXOffset:MA==,TatechuyokoYOffset:MA==,TrailingAki:LTE=,Tsume:MA==,UnderlineGapOverprint:ZmFsc2U=,UnderlineGapTint:LTE=,UnderlineOffset:LTk5OTk=,UnderlineOverprint:ZmFsc2U=,UnderlineTint:LTE=,UnderlineWeight:LTk5OTk=,VerticalScale:MTAw,Warichu:ZmFsc2U=,WarichuAlignment:QXV0bw==,WarichuCharsAfterBreak:Mg==,WarichuCharsBeforeBreak:Mg==,WarichuLineSpacing:MA==,WarichuLines:Mg==,WarichuSize:NTA=,XOffsetDiacritic:MA==,YOffsetDiacritic:MA==}" data-atex-ul="false" data-atex-up="{KentenFillColor:PEtlbnRlbkZpbGxDb2xvciB0eXBlPSJzdHJpbmciPlRleHQgQ29sb3I8L0tlbnRlbkZpbGxDb2xvcj4=,KentenStrokeColor:PEtlbnRlblN0cm9rZUNvbG9yIHR5cGU9InN0cmluZyI-VGV4dCBDb2xvcjwvS2VudGVuU3Ryb2tlQ29sb3I-,Leading:PExlYWRpbmcgdHlwZT0idW5pdCI-MTA8L0xlYWRpbmc-,RubyFill:PFJ1YnlGaWxsIHR5cGU9InN0cmluZyI-VGV4dCBDb2xvcjwvUnVieUZpbGw-,RubyStroke:PFJ1YnlTdHJva2UgdHlwZT0ic3RyaW5nIj5UZXh0IENvbG9yPC9SdWJ5U3Ryb2tlPg==,StrikeThroughColor:PFN0cmlrZVRocm91Z2hDb2xvciB0eXBlPSJzdHJpbmciPlRleHQgQ29sb3I8L1N0cmlrZVRocm91Z2hDb2xvcj4=,StrikeThroughGapColor:PFN0cmlrZVRocm91Z2hHYXBDb2xvciB0eXBlPSJvYmplY3QiPlN3YXRjaC9Ob25lPC9TdHJpa2VUaHJvdWdoR2FwQ29sb3I-,StrikeThroughType:PFN0cmlrZVRocm91Z2hUeXBlIHR5cGU9Im9iamVjdCI-U3Ryb2tlU3R5bGUvJElEL1NvbGlkPC9TdHJpa2VUaHJvdWdoVHlwZT4=,UnderlineColor:PFVuZGVybGluZUNvbG9yIHR5cGU9InN0cmluZyI-VGV4dCBDb2xvcjwvVW5kZXJsaW5lQ29sb3I-,UnderlineGapColor:PFVuZGVybGluZUdhcENvbG9yIHR5cGU9Im9iamVjdCI-U3dhdGNoL05vbmU8L1VuZGVybGluZUdhcENvbG9yPg==,UnderlineType:PFVuZGVybGluZVR5cGUgdHlwZT0ib2JqZWN0Ij5TdHJva2VTdHlsZS8kSUQvU29saWQ8L1VuZGVybGluZVR5cGU-}">dupatta</span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-15">, or scarf. The ensemble, which is covered with hand-sewn crystals and metallic embroidery, is a bridal couture design by Pakistani fashion label Ansab Jahangir, photographed by Muzi Sufi and modelled by one of Pakistan's top models, Sana Ansari.</span> <span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-15">Ansari, who now lives in the UAE, started modelling in Karachi at the age of 15. "One of my friends was interning as a photographer at a modelling agency during the summer break and she asked me to come in for fun to shoot a portfolio. When the agent saw me, he said: 'This girl has potential, so call her again and get a proper portfolio done.' And then, within two weeks, I got my first commercial booking," she says.</span> <span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-15">Shortly afterwards, Ansari was signed on as a face of Coca-Cola in Pakistan, and starred in commercials for telecommunications companies like Jazz and Telenor. But luxury ethnic fashion is where the young model found her forte. She worked, and continues to work, with some of Pakistan's top fashion houses, including Elan, Sana Safinaz and Farah Talib Aziz. She is frequently featured on the covers of fashion magazines and tabloids like </span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-fs="Italic" data-atex-track="-15"><em>Grazia</em></span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-15"> Pakistan, </span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-fs="Italic" data-atex-track="-15"><em>The Tribune Edit</em></span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-15">, </span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-fs="Italic" data-atex-track="-15"><em>Paperazzi</em></span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-15"> and </span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-fs="Italic" data-atex-track="-15"><em>Sunday Times</em></span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-15">. Many of her ethnic shoots see her decked out in marigold garland jewellery, or alongside regal white ponies. A campaign she appeared in for fashion label Saira Rizwan was shot at Rohtas Fort, a World Heritage Site in the Punjab province. </span> <span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-15">While still living in Karachi, Ansari flew to Abu Dhabi to shoot Ansab Jahangir bridal wear at the capital's Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara</span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-15">, and then journeyed to Paris this summer with the label again. She has also travelled to Thailand multiple times for various commercials and shoots.</span> <span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-15">But modelling was never a career aspiration for the young Pakistani. "As a child, when anyone would ask me what I wanted to study, I'd always say law – it was just so instilled in my mind." Today, Ansari works full-time in corporate law at a major accounting firm in Dubai, while trying to maintain her modelling career on the side.</span> ____________________ <strong>Read more:</strong> ____________________ <span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-15">Most of the jobs she does are for Pakistan-based clients, rather than clients in the UAE. Ansari explains that the modelling industry here is not particularly appealing to women who have experience in the industry in her native country.</span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-15"> "I had heard some top models from Pakistan moved here in the past, and that when they came, it was hard to find proper work since the pay is a lot lower," she says. "I had the same reaction – the commercials and advertisements that </span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10">I was being approached for weren't very good brands. And the pay was horrible, absolutely horrible."</span> <span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10">In Pakistan, models are paid per outfit in a shoot, rather than the UAE standard, where they tend to receive a flat rate of around Dh1,500 per day. Ansari reveals that in her home country</span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10">, successful models earn at least three to five times more than this, and they're generally treated with more consideration, too. For instance, while the international norm often sees models changing clothes in the presence of male photographers and crew members, that's not the case in Pakistan. "The men are very respectful," she says. "At fashion shows, there are different male and female changing rooms. But it also depends on how the models act – some are comfortable changing in front of everyone."</span> <span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10">While Ansari's immediate family is supportive of her modelling career, she has faced some resistance from her relatives. </span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10">"The modelling industry in Pakistan – or anywhere</span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10">, does not have a very good reputation," she says, "but when you actually work in the field as a photographer, make-up artist or model, you realise it isn't as bad as people make it out to be."</span> <span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10">Ansari, a practising Muslim, has limits when it comes to baring skin for the camera. "There are restrictions. Obviously no bikinis or shorts, or things like that," she says. "Wearing them in your personal life is different than shooting them – you have to understand that the Pakistani mindset is still on the conservative side, so they would not appreciate that, and neither would my parents."</span> <span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10">When Ansari got married last year, she and her husband lived between the UAE and Pakistan, and for a short while in Los Angeles, before finally settling in Dubai in October. Due to her fame, Ansari often gets recognised in public, and is often contacted by fans on social media. "If I ever put an update on Instagram Stories, I get a lot of messages from fans saying 'we're here, please meet us', or something like that. I generally don't respond to those – but if somebody comes up to me and says 'you're Sana Ansari, can we take a picture with you', then of course I'm open to that." </span> <span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10">However, fan reactions can sometimes be unsettling – for example, Ansari has spotted people sneakily filming her while she eats at restaurants. And while she recognises that fame might become problematic if she were more widely-known, Ansari says that so far, she's enjoying it. "It's always fun and amazing when people appreciate your work, and you feel really good about yourself."</span> <span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10">The model comes across as down-to-earth and charismatic. "I think it's a lot to do with how my parents raised me," she says. "They never let me get too high on my horse."</span> <span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10">While it may all look very glamorous, and </span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10">jobs from Pakistan-based clients may be more rewarding than UAE assignments, at least in Ansari's case, the highs and lows of the career are similar across the board. Her </span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10">shoot in Paris</span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10"> began at 5am</span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10">, and lasted for around 12 hours, with the team moving from location to location. "I changed in the car, which was very uncomfortable. And outside, it was freezing," she recalls. </span> <span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10">The resulting images are breath-taking. In one, she wears a floral embroidered lehenga</span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10">, or long skirt, with a bronze halter choli, or cropped blouse, in front of the Eiffel tower. Another shows the model robed in a rich red and mustard outfit on a fairground carousel, and dressed in an ethereal off-white ensemble, by the Louvre.</span> <span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10">"Since I started working in Dubai, I've cut down my modelling a lot, because it's very difficult for me to take days off and travel for shoots," she says. But Ansari hopes to keep it up part-time – with perks such as </span><span data-atex-cstyle="$ID/[No character style]" data-atex-track="-10">magazine covers and weekends in Paris, who wouldn't?</span>