DUBAI // A voicemail rant from a boastful “East Londoner” left on the phone of a woman he is trying to woo has gone viral.
The two-minute seven second-long video called “Drunk Dubai Guy Leaves Girl a Ridiculous Arrogant Funny Voice Mail” has had more than 24,000 hits since it was published on YouTube on November 3.
The video is accompanied by pictures to illustrate what is being said during the rambling message, in which the caller shifts from attempts at flirting to being rude and offensive.
During the course of the video the man refers to the girl somewhat bizarrely as a “weapon ... a proper weapon”.
“I couldn’t believe what I was hearing when I listened to it because the arrogance of the guy is amazing,” said the YouTube user who created the video with the help of some friends.
Among the other gems are claims that he is being “mugged” by the girl.
“Another of my favourite bits is when he’s talking about how he has business in London, Dubai and Qatar but it sounds like he says guitar so we used that picture,” said the YouTuber, who did not want to be identified.
The Whatsapp voice message was forwarded to its poster from a friend who was sent it by the girl. He does not know the man who left the message or the woman in question.
The idea for the video came from watching an episode of BBC’s The Apprentice programme, which showed people how to make a video go viral.
“Our aim was to try to beat the 3,000 views that they got and, by Tuesday, our video had already hit 10,000 views,” said the 33-year-old, who has been in Dubai for two years.
The video has proved so popular that it has been sampled at Mahiki nightclub in Dubai and remixed versions are also popping up online.
“I’m from London myself and the only things people sometimes refer to as weapons are cars but it’s the first time I’ve heard it in relation to women,” the video poster said.
“We’re thinking about some kind of follow video but we’re in that tricky second album phase, trying to follow up a big hit, so we’ll see what happens.
“I thought that we would get people complaining but the consensus has been that this guy is being a bit of a tool, which was the thing we were trying to get across.
“The guy in the video has actually responded to it and is embracing it, saying he’s an internet star now, which isn’t really the point we were trying to make with it.
“To be honest, I think we may have created a bit of a monster.”
The video, which contains very coarse language, can be seen here.