Cartoonist Corinne Rey, also known as 'Coco', who appeared as a witness, leaves the courtroom at the Paris courthouse, on September 8, 2020, after a hearing of several witnesses in the trial of 14 suspected accomplices in the Charlie Hebdo, Montrouge and Hyper Cacher jihadist killings.
 Fourteen people accused of helping jihadist gunmen attack the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket are on trial, five years after days of terror that sent shockwaves through France. / AFP / Thomas SAMSON
Cartoonist Corinne Rey, also known as 'Coco', has appeared as a witness in the trial of 14 suspected accomplices in the Charlie Hebdo, Montrouge and Hyper Cacher killings. AFP / Thomas SAMSON

Survivor of 'Charlie Hebdo' attack recalls 'horror'