In this image provided by Kensington Palace shows a video call on Jan. 13, 2021 with Britain's Prince William and his wife Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, bottom of screen, and, top row from left, Carly Kennard and Jules Lockett, both of London Ambulance Service, Conal Devitt of Formby Primary Care Network and Manal Sadik, Associate Director for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Widening Participation at Guys and St. Thomas Hospital. Center row from left, Phil Spencer from Cleveland Police, Tony Collins, Just 'B' volunteer helpline call handler and CEO of North Yorkshire Hospice Care, and Caroline Francis, Just 'B' helpline support worker and nurse at North Yorkshire Hospice Care. The royal pair spoke with frontline workers and counsellors about the mental health impact of the COVID-19 crisis for those working on the frontline, and why it is vital that they are able to reach out for support at such a critical time. (Kensington Palace via AP)
Britain's Prince William and his wife Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, speak to frontline workers. AP

Prince William calls on public to follow the queen and get Covid vaccine