Egyptian supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood or ousted president Mohammed Morsi shout slogans in his support during a protest outside the Police Academy where Morsi's trial takes place on November 4, 2013 in Cairo, Egypt. Morsi appeared in court on the first day of his trial, rejecting its legitimacy and demanding "coup" leaders be prosecuted, as thousands of his supporters rallied. -- shows a sign with the four fingers, the symbol known as "Rabaa", which means four in Arabic, remembering those killed in the crackdown on the Rabaa al-Adawiya protest camp in Cairo earlier in the year
AFP PHOTO/GIANLUIGI GUERCIA *** Local Caption ***  fo24no-Egypt-DueProc-p11.jpg
The four-fingered "Rabaa" sign is used by supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, an extremist group which Islamic Relief staff have praised on social media. AFP

New Islamic Relief Worldwide chairman celebrated Muslim Brotherhood on social media