A woman displaced from Syria's eastern Deir Ezzor province,  carries a box in al-Hol camp for displaced people, in al-Hasakeh governorate in northeastern Syria on April 18, 2019.  Dislodged in a final offensive by a Kurdish-led ground force and coalition air strikes, thousands of wives and children of IS fighters have flooded in from a string of Syrian villages south of the al-Hol camp in recent months.
Among the hordes of Syrians and Iraqis, some 9,000 foreigners are held in a fenced section of the encampment, under the watch of Kurdish forces. / AFP / Delil SOULEIMAN
A woman displaced from Syria's eastern Deir Ezzor province carries a box in Al Hol camp for displaced people, in Hasakeh governorate in northeastern Syria on April 18, 2019. AFP

UK cuts cash aid to northeast Syria, citing fear of funding ISIS