Sultan Hashim Ahmad al-Jaburi al-Tai argues with chief judge Mohammad Orabi moments before the latter threw him out of court, during his trial in Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone, 10 October 2006. Iraq's ousted leader Saddam Hussein and six co-defendants have been on trial since 21 August for the 1987-1988 Anfal campaign of bombings and gas attacks against Kurdish rebels which prosecutors say left about 180,000 people, mostly civilians, dead. If convicted Saddam, Taji and the others face death by hanging.   AFP PHOTO/POOL/DAVID FURST / AFP PHOTO / POOL / DAVID FURST
Sultan Hashim Ahmad during his trial in Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone on 10 October 2006. David Furst/AFP  

Sultan Hashim: Saddam's top general dies in Iraqi prison

The National