A Palestinian member of the Siyam family arranges furniture that was thrown out of their home during their eviction, in the Palestinian neighbourhood of Silwan in east Jerusalem near the Old City on July 10, 2019. The Palestinian Siyam family was evicted on July 10, after Israeli settlers won a court battle that stretched more than two decades. The Silwan apartment was home to a 53-year-old woman and her four children, according to Israeli NGO Peace Now, which opposes Israeli settlement expansion. Police arrived and evicted the residents from the apartment and they will at least temporarily stay with relatives. An Israeli court found that the Elad foundation, which seeks to increase the Jewish presence in mainly Palestinian east Jerusalem, had legally purchased that portion of the property and ruled in its favour. / AFP / AHMAD GHARABLI
A Palestinian member of the Siyam family arranges furniture that was thrown out of their home during an eviction in the Palestinian neighbourhood of Silwan in East Jerusalem. AFP

Palestinians lose Jerusalem home in 'David and Goliath' court case